bodied b2600zx (josh)
Does anything plug into the bottom of that charcoal/emissions canister on b2600s??? I have a 93 and am puttin everything back in and i cant seem to find any line that would plug into the bottom.... Does anything??? I cant seem to remember...
Also.... does anyone with a b2600i have a stock engine compartment??? and a digital camera.... that could take a ton of pics of everthing in the engine compartment, i know its an odd thing to ask, but it'd be really helpful, like pics of a bunch of diff angles, and up close pics of the different parts, like the canister, and the ign coil, and jus anything!! I only have 2 pics of my motor, i wish i woulda thought bout it, i woulda taken a bunch before i tore it all apart n started strippin the unnecessary stuff