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Mazda Engine General \  Need some help here....

Need some help here....

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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nwdidyman   +1y
Whats the difference between the 2000 and 2200?
Rod lenth?
Bore size?

Any cams available for the these?

Thing is I have a 86 b2000. Got it for FREE. It is a white 5sp/2bbl with a decent looking FLAT BED..... So its unique.

Motor is coming out and being completely rebuilt.

This is what I wanna do....

10:1 CR
port/polish head
Weber 38 CARB
75 shot wet N2O

I dont want to swap in a small block. I have a 2.3L ford turbo motor I could drop in but again I dont want to. I dont know if Ill be able to get the 10:1 out of it but Ill try.....

Any input.............
91b2200(cody)   +1y
uhhh .. i belive there the same !!

waaaw i dont know ....
hocbj23   +1y
extra 200cc's on the 2200 comes from a tad longer stroke.oil galleys in the heads are a bit different.other than that basically same mota.if ur planning to run a 2000 with 10:1 comp ratio and nitrous,be sure and include a scatter shield around ur gonads cause that mutha will grenade the first time u hit it with nitrous and thats no b.s.Neither the lower end or the valve train will take that on these little engines.BJ
racer x   +1y
10:1 with nitrous is a bomb waiting to blow.You would want way lower compression on a nitrous application.
nwdidyman   +1y
Ive ran a 75 shot with 12:1 on my Honda without a hickup for well over 40K miles. Shouldnt be too much different.

What are the weak points on these motors?

Id like to get my hands on a 2.2 block. Bore it .5mm over to get a little more trq then with a cam, port and polish and 9:1cr and a 38 weber for more Hp. Then N2O can get cut back to a smaller wet 50. Of course rod bolts and maybe a set of head studs. I need to find a copper head gasket for it too.

If anything I can cut out the n2o all together. But Im looking for a little more out of this motor.
hocbj23   +1y
U were sounding good till u got to the nitro part.Weak points HEAD GASKETS -they are forever blowing and warping the heads so good reason alone for staying away from nitrous.2nd weak point,hydraulic lifters on the 2200.If u lean on it,go to solid lifters as many of us on here have done.COOLING SYSTEM-the factory fan is pathetic and the radiator is one core.Go to an electric fan and the A/T radiator which is 2 core.Finally the exhaust system is very restrictive.Use a header,a low restriction cat and a flowmaster 40 or similar muffler.Do not go past 20 thousands on any head milling or u will negate the extra cooling plus set urself up for more head gasket issues.By the way if ur trying to compare a Honda car and maz truck as far as hop-up capability are concerned,forget it.The Maz was designed for around town hauling and dependability and it does that well.It was not designed to drag race and extreme attempts to make it do that will result in---- well remember the scatter shield for ur gonads.OK?BJ
808hawaiian   +1y
just put a sr20dett inside!
hex0rz   +1y
FE3 Swap!
nwdidyman   +1y
K. Maybe Ill back off the carb to a 34 instead. 2.2 block over bored.2.0 head. slightly milled. custom head gasket. all new studs for the head and rods.... Electric fan and radiator are no deal. I might go all aftermarket anyways.
As for exhaust thats not a deal. A header 1st. After that its no deal we dont have emissions here.

All of this is still so cheap to do. Im looking at roughly $600. I can get the machining for free. Just have to buy the bolts and gaskets...

As for the SR20DeTT.... Fthat.... I dont like Nissans. I have nvr been lucky with them. I know they are strong as hell but they dont like me. If I was to drop another motor in it it would be the 2.3L turbo ford. I have a 88 turbo coupe sitting in my drivway as we speak but Im selling it for this project....
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
you could do a probe block. they are built way better and are made to be boosted.