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Mazda Engine General \  help with 2600i

help with 2600i

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 10
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b2600i   +1y
ok guys iam new on here and i have a 93 b2600i and having problems with it it runs very badly and i can put new plugs in it and it will run fine for 3 or 4 days then goes back to bad what would cause the plugs to keep filing out like that and not u mention i some how have oil gettin in my intake but i have no clue what is goin on any help would be great
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
Well since you have oil in your intake, you obviously have an oil problem. My guess is either you're gettin gas into the combustion chamber through the head gasket or the valves..... your valve seals may be bad. And when you say oil in your intake... what do you mean???? The air intake? or intake manifold??? If its the intake manifold, you need a new PCV valve. If that is leakin bad enough, that would let enough oil in to foul out your plugs. The PCV valve is on the top of the front of the valve cover and has a hose that goes into the intake manifold..... Let me know if that helps or if theres any other problems.... I have a B2600i too and i'm havin starting issues so i feel your pain.
b2600i   +1y
dang help really needed or atleast your opinion what could keep filing out the plugs on a 2600i its really begining to get on my nerves i can still drive it but skipping like crazy dont know what to do so what could i do to fix it ????????
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
um i told you what to try????

Did you check it out? Can you get pics and show me where you're gettin oil in your intake at?? and btw, its FOULING not filing
b2600i   +1y
i tried that i put a new pvc vavle is there any way to tell if its the vavles or the head gasket but it has good compression
mxer201   +1y
Sounds like the rings. How many miles on the truck? I say do a dry then wet compression test. If compression goes up during the wet test then the rings are worn. Good luck!
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y
how would the rings put oil in the intake though???

If your valve seals are worn, you woulkd burn oil, but that wouldn't explain oil in your intake
mxer201   +1y
Worn rings allow "blow by" or what ever you want to call it. A B2600 I once owned had oil accumulating inside the air filter housing. The oil was coming from the valve cover to air cleaner housing vent hose. I can only guess the rings were very worn and caused excess pressure to be vented to the housing taking oil mist with it. Some of the oil mist could be sucked through the air filter. Eventually a ring broke and I replaced all. After that no more oil in the housing.

Or the head may have a crack. I also dealt with that but I had a problem with loosing coolant.
b2600i   +1y
thanks for the info and thats not wanted to hear but guess i will have to check it out and see if thats what it is give you guys an update as soon as i find out anything
b2600i   +1y
you guys will never guess what i found out was wrong with my truck after all that headache all it was that the number 1 injecter was unpluged but not enough to actually see that it was now it runs fine but thanks for all the advice