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Mazda Engine General \  MORE HP !


Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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j&gmazda   +1y
Hey im trying to add more HP to the Ol' 2.2L i already have a Weber carb , header pipe, No cat, proformance cam shaft .. Anyone have any ideas what els i can other than turbo it ??

Is there any head that bolts right onto it. I heard the Mazda 626 gt 16v head bolts up ..
is that just a myth ??
danny death   +1y
im pretty sure it bolts up, i once got a head gasket set for a 626 and the head gasket was the same. the intake manifold gasket was different, which is how i figured out i had the wrong kit.
the intake manifolds are different. and im not sure if the B2200 ECU will control the 626 head. you would probably be looking at an ECU swap. and i don't know anything about that.

i've never heard of any one doing it, but perhaps the head could be planed down to increase the compression, you might have to mill the pistons for valve clearance and it would become an interference engine. but this is a lot of work and machining. would be pretty costly i assume; unless your a tool and die maker and could do it yourself.

are you running a header as well?
j&gmazda   +1y
Yes i am running header i dont know what brand.. but i think the quick mods i made will be smoother breathing and have a bit more horse power.. but i mean i built my truck to be LOW and SLOW !

I took out the computer and the Air Care shit like EGR valve and made a plate and such and the valve in the header itself.. So all the emissions shit is gone.
I dont know what tubes to get rid of on the intake manifold.
Do you happen to know ?
danny death   +1y
sorry don't know
nonamedsomebody   +1y
where did you get your cam and what make/model did you get it for I didn't see any cams for just the truck.
nytrdr24   +1y

As the ole saying goes, no replacement for displacment, bore the block & go with a larger piston, you can't get a "stroker kit" as the 2.2 is the big 4cyl for mazda @ the time, you might destroke it by using a set of rods & crank from a 2.0, but all you'll get there is faster to the top of the powerband....Also, anything that can shed weight off the rotating assembly is good for, Custom set of forged pistons, they are lighter, & depending on the design will increase/decrease the comp ratio (I got a set of Wiesco 10.5:1's from @ $450, but if you take a stock piston & send it to most any of the well known piston makers, they can make a set for you to to your spec), Fidanza flywheel, stock is 19.5 lbs, their alum one is 9.5. An upgraded ignition system such as Accel or Msd with a good coil...if you get or intend to get more than a 20% increase from stock hp you'll need to upgrade your fuel pump to an electric unit and put a block off plate on the head where the mech one went (I have some nice Billet ones for sale)

As far as the 16v head, it's a no go, the oil passages don't line up, now the 12v 626 head will work on the motor, but the distributor is on the wrong end of the head & would require clearancing the firewall....mazda did make a 12v head that has the dizzy on the front of the motor, but they were never sold in the states, it came on a mazda bongo / E2000 van, and I have been looking for one myself, but no luck as of yet.....If i'm not mistaken (been a while since I read the specs in my chilton's book) you can't shave the head & deck the block more than 0.003 each, or your timing belt tensioner won't work sufficiently & your belt will could also increase the valves size, and port & polish the head (or have it extrude honed) which will give you a little better flow rate, but there is only so much you can do with the 8v head because it wasn't designed to move air very well.

if you really want to have some power but keep a 4cyl & not have a whole lot of issues on the swap, a kia sportage 16v is the way to go, head should breath supurbly compared to the 8v head, the comp ratio is still low enough to put mild boost to it w/o having to tear into the engine & do a full blown rebuild...stock for is @ 140 hp, and with mild boost & stand alone ecu 200+ is a cake walk...
dirtracer14   +1y
I have a 91 carb 2.2 that i rebuilt with a new stock head, and ring and bearing the bottom end(stock bore). I put the webber and header on.. I found that when you put the adapters on for the webber they overlap on the sides so i bolted it up and ported the intake to match. I think this helps allot to keep the fuel from pooling in the intake making more power. I also put a msd 6a box with blaster 3 coil. My truck will get up and go for the little 2.2 it is im not a big fan of speeding all over but its fun to lay it down from time to time. I dont have another mazda around to compare but anyone that has been in the trucks asked what i did to it. I run 3rd gear upto 80,85 mph before shifting and its holding strong. There have been times i thought i was gonna pull the guts out and it kept going. Not sure what other guys are doing but im good with what i got! We will be doing another one real soon only without the msb just the coil ....will be able to tell then just my 2

Also i kept the stock size pipe with a cheap muffler.
nonamedsomebody   +1y
Holy hell 80-85 in third I usually hit 60 then hit 4th I think I would need a scatter sheild if i shifted at 80. your not gaining much the hp gain pretty much ends at 4500 rpm. I shift around 4k rpm.
oicu812   +1y
A couple cheap mods that made me notice a pretty good difference in hp
Port and polish the block, didn't do alot but every little bit helps, oh yeah just do the header don't do the intake did a little research and when the intake is ported and polished it can screw up the air flow
Replace the belt drive fan with electric fan, this I actucally notice made a pretty good difference in quicker rev time and hp notice too. Depending on what you are wanting the hp for, if it is just in town driving advance the timing some which this might affect your air fuel mixture so you might have to adjust that too. Thats a few things I did that didn't cost crap. The fan came out of an older camero and fit perfect, had to build some brackets though.
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