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Mazda Engine General \  Weber help

Weber help

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 3
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1bad2200   +1y
i installed a weber 32/36 on my 2200, plugged the egr tubes, did not use a fuel psi reg, the vent on the carb is plugged, vac adv is hooked up, i used the yellow wire from the stock carb for the choke, everything else is plugged. i started it and it ran real good. while i was letting it idle i went inside to grab my wallet came back out and it had died, now it will not start. just cranks and cranks. this was last night about 9pm. thinking maybe it was just flooded i just let it sit over night and today same thing just cranked. i took the carb off to clean out the fuel in the intake and let it sit for about an hour put it all back together and still will not start! any ideas?
toddluck   +1y
weber new or used?
i would use a pressure regulator
if your intake was full of gas chances are you sunk the float because of too much fuel pressure and you will prolly need to reset the float
1bad2200   +1y
its a new one. how do i reset the float? it just had a puddle in there not really that much fuel. my only other thought is to pull the plugs to check for spark. i thought that we didnt need to use a fuel reg?
1bad2200   +1y
well as it turns out i have no spark. so i tested for spark from the coil and nothing, so i replaced it and it ran beautifully, for about an hour. while going about 30 it lost power, like it had a clogged cat (which is punched out) or no fuel. when i pushed the clutch in it just died. now has no spark again. i thought maybe i just got a bad coil. replaced it and it cranked like it wanted to start and then the sound changed and still no spark. any ideas? i know there is the ignitor or module in the dist but thats $100! how common are those to go out? also i have the 3 black wires going to the positive and the blue and yellow going to the neg, seems strange to me but thats how it was on the stock one. i really miss driving this thing i wanna get this taken care of!
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