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Mazda Engine General \  mazda b2200 - will not turn over...

mazda b2200 - will not turn over...

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 7577
replies 9
following 5
oneclick   +1y
I have a x-cab mazda b2200, i just took the motor out (2.2) and put in a b2000 (2.0) motor, the wiring harness on the truck was hacked up in a couple places, and the harness on the new motor was a little different, i have a few questions as to why the engine will not crank over, when i turn the key all i hear is a click by the battery... and then nothing... so i'm assuming the wiring is wrong on the starter/battery/alt...

Here is a pic of the wires by the battery box, the black connector at top, there are two wires, one i wired into the main fuse box to the right, the other wire on the fuse box goes to the battery terminal, and the other wire coming from the black connector is going to the altenator... is this correct? or wrong? if wrong what wire goes where?

oneclick   +1y
also, here is a pic of the coil, is it wired correctly? also there is a wire not hooked up, where does it go?

90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
my coil has about 3 or 4 plugs that aren't going to anything..... 3 grounds and two 12volts looks like yours is correct.... sounds like you got the starter hooked up wrong or its in a bine...
oneclick   +1y
can anyone let me know something about my first post above? if not, then can someone let me know how the alt and starter needs to be wired? all i get is a click! i have the coil figured out, and everything else, just need to know what that black connector goes too! and how the starting wiring is done.

Thank you very much in advance...

all22s   +1y
does it repeatedly click? or just one click? it sounds like you got a dead battery. use a multimeter to verify voltage at the battery, at the starter, and at the ignition switch itself. (you don't need the alternator to crank the truck.......just to charge the battery while the truck is running.
1. verify 12 volts at the battery
2. verify 12 volts at the starter
3. verify 12 volts at the ignition switch.
4. measure across the coil (small positive stud to small negative stud) you should have 12 volts

if you have 12 volts at all of those points then your wiring is fine.

i would then check your
1. ignition switch
2. starter solenoid
3. starter itself
4. can you crank the engine over by hand (well put a ratchet and socket on the crank pulley and see if the engine turns over (take all the plugs out first... it will be a little easier to turn.

let me know what you have after those steps are done.
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
should be able to turn it over with socket and wratchet without having to pull the plugs.... these things dont have that much compression..... when i get to the shop tomorrow i will take a pic of how mine is wired but mine is a b2200..... the picture you posted with the plugs an stuff doesn't look anything like whats needed for the b2200 starter and alt..... the starter and alt harness is all together, the wires will only fit a certin way and theres no wires off it that reach the fender well except the wire loom itself.... also this click you hear, where is it coming from? have someone turn the key on and off for you while you find out where its coming from..
oneclick   +1y
thank you for the replies!... and i definately know the battery isn't dead, it was at 12.97 volts last night, also i put it on the charger overnight just to be sure... i won't be able to check anything for about another 4 hours when i get back home... i'll check for power at the starter and post back the results...

also, the click... it is hard to say exactly where it's coming from, but sounds more like next to the battery... i'll have my son go out there with me, he can hit the key and i'll be able to pinpoint where it's coming from... hard to do when your in the vehicle! lol

this is only one of 5 mazda trucks i currently own... the others are not here at my house for me to look off of for the wiring... they are at my dads place, i'll be there sunday so if i don't figure this out by then, i should have it figured out on sunday after looking at the other trucks wiring... just got the truck insured and tagged about an hour ago, would like to drive it this weekend sometime - lol...

any other suggestions i can try out when i get home? much appreciated!


mazdatweaker   +1y
. . .

There are a number of things that can cause a starter to not work.

You just installed the motor.

Maybe you need to verify that the ground cable is attached to the motor. It is easy to overlook, as it can get missed when the motor mounts are installed. Terminals can be corroded at the connections, and the wire itself can be corroded under the insulation.

I suspect the "click" you are hearing is the solenoid itself engaging. But if you don't have the ground cable attached to the motor, there isn't enough of a current path to support the amperage necessary to drive the starter.

Static battery voltage can be deceiving. The headlights need to be turned on for three to five minutes to drain off the surface charge, and then the battery needs to be tested again. Anything under 11 volts means the battery has internal problems, and will probably have trouble supplying the minimum 9.6 volts and enough serious amperage to push the starter around.

You can use a jump out switch to bypass the wiring harness to isolate either the starter OR something else.
One lead goes to the small feed on the solenoid, and the other lead goes to the positive terminal on the battery. If the starter now engages, something ELSE is the problem. You can move the battery terminal connection to the positive cable point connection on the starter and do the test again If the starter now does not engage, then your battery cable connection at the starter is bad.

Three bolts hold the starter to the engine. The starter is easy enough to remove from the top with a 14 mm racheting wrench (gear wrench) that it can be removed to test externally with starter cables to verify it is good, if you haven't solved the problem prior to removal.
oneclick   +1y
figured it out... the previous owner had the wiring backwards! the alt wire was lengthened and hooked up to the starter solenoid and the start wire was shortened and wired for the alt... this truck WAS a vo-tech truck, the local vo-tech rebuilt a motor, got it in, then didn't break in the motor and blew a hole in the side of the block... my dad bought the truck about 8mo ago and i got it from him about 3 months ago, but didn't get to do anything with it until the last few days when i swapped motors... when i got it no wiring was hooked up at all because my dad had started pulling the motor (was going to be my nephews truck, but i talked him out of it - lol)... when i got it i pulled the motor/trans and put another one in it, i was left with the wiring mess!

LOL, got it figured out... but haven't started it yet, just bumped it over... now i need to go to my wifes work right now to get all the oil, filter, coolant, power steering, trans gear oil, etc... basically to get all the fluids i bought for it out of the trunk of her car because i forgot to get it out before she went to work!

After i get all the fluids in it, all i have left to do is bolt on the fan and then go over everything one last time to make sure i didn't miss tightening anything... then it "should" be ready to fire up (hope it will! lol)... it's getting COLD outside right now, but i'll just have to deal with it... i want to hear this thing run TONIGHT and maybe go around the block a time or two...

I'll post back later tonight if i come across any problems and/or if i get it running or not...

Thank you to everyone who helped and/or replied... much appreciated!

oneclick   +1y
IT RUNS! lol... kinda surprised me how easy it fired up as cold as it is out here (30deg)... it took awhile to get the fuel pump to pump... so i sprayed carb cleaner in and it fired up as soon as i hit the key... starts up fine now... now all that is left is to put the breather back on it and the hood and take it for a spin around the block!

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