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Mazda Engine General \  b2200 finally runs, but idles high!

b2200 finally runs, but idles high!

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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oneclick   +1y
the other day i posted a question about the motor not turning over, just clicking... figured out the wiring on that and have it running... now the problem is it is idleing high and i can't seem to get it to idle down, the choke is hooked up (back of alt), linkage is free moving, i've tried adjusting the idle screw without any luck, only way it will idel down some is to hold the choke open with a screwdriver, but then it kinda sputters... any info on what to do/try? i've searched the forums and tried everything i found...

90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
glad you got it running...... hope you can figure out the problem now
Post was last edited on Oct 31, 2009 10:10. This post has been edited 1 times.
mazdalowandslow   +1y
vacume leak, what did you do to the motor?
suicide   +1y
definitly sounds like a vaccum leak.
chafin   +1y
check all your vaccum lines. did you install or reinstall anything on the intake side?
oneclick   +1y
mazdalowandslow... didn't do anything to the motor, other than take it out of one of my reg cab trucks and put it in this b2200 x-cab truck (i have 5 mazdas, with a 6th one that is already pretty much mine), it's a stock 2.0 motor/carb/tranny/etc... there are no vaccum lines unhooked or cracked (first thing i was checking on it).

I just noticed about 20 minutes ago, i took it down the highway for about a mile or so just to go through all the gears, i noticed the temp guage isn't working... so either the wire is off, or bad connection or the sensor itself isn't working, and the choke needs to know the temp to work right, so this is more than likely the problem, which i'll be checking out tomorrow...

oneclick   +1y
results!... the problem ended up being the altenator! w/the alt not working it wasn't giving power to the choke, causing it to rev high (between 2k and 2.5k rpm), took an alt off one of my other mazda trucks and put on it and it runs fine now... BUT, next problem... the temp sensor isn't working, and when i put gas in the truck earlier today the gas guage stopped working... so those are my next things to fix... drove it about 25 miles to my dads place for sunday dinner and spent all day working on it, also changed the ignition while i was there too... so it made the 40-50 mile round trip just fine... other than finding new things to fix on it.

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