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Mazda Engine General \  just bought a new weber carb kit

just bought a new weber carb kit

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 4535
replies 21
following 10
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
the 32/34 is a better match for a stock 2.2l and it can be dailyed with no problems... only other suggested aftermarket part would be a pacesetter header..
pimpz26   +1y
My 34/34 is alittle turd when the engine is cold. Spits and stutters when you give it gas, it'll do this for about ten minutes, but once it's warmed up to operating temps. it runs great. I have also found that air temps make a huge difference on the way the truck runs. When it's cold outside (50* and below) I have to adjust the carb, when it's warm (above 50*) I have to readjust. It gets frustraighting. When it's working, it works really good. I have learned to "live" with this carb. Next time (maybe in the spring) I'll go with the 32/34. I think the larger 34mm main bore is just too big for a stock engine, I might try to rejet it to make it work better.

Btw, I'm getting 29 mpg with this 34/34.
89mazdalade   +1y
ok is it best just to go to a junkyard and get a throttle cable??? also is it hard to hook up the electric choke does it say in the instructions the problem im having is that recently i would hit the accelerator and it would rev up and then spit and sputter and loose all power and basically stall out i was told it was the carb so i bought the conversion kit this is my daily driver and i just put alot of money in it new 22s new clutch kit new timing belt kit full tune up had the major problem with the key on the crankshaft fixed that and the ignition switch contacts were dirty fixed that now its just the carb prob. which i hope its the carb cuz ima bout to give up and and go back to workin on my monte carlo mazda's are HEADACHES!!!!!!!!!
pimpz26   +1y
It's easiest to get a cable from the junk yard. As for the choke, I don't remember if the instructions say where it to hook it up. IIRC, it says to hook it up to a 12 volt source. If you still have the stock electric choke wire, just clip the end off and put the new connector on. The wire is yellow and hooks up to the back side of the alternator. Otherwise I think you can hook it up to any 12 volt source that is on when the key is on.
neptune   +1y

i wouldnt hook it up to a 12v source cuz then it will just be open all the time, it wont close when needed, hook it up to the original one so that it opens and closes as needed.. thats just my opinion i know nothing of the weber setup but if the choke isnt workin as it should you will have starting problems and and wont run right when its cold...
89mazdalade   +1y
so i got the carb on and the damn truck is doin the same thing as it was with the stock carb. when i go to rev it or hit the throttle it bogs down and stalls out???? im thinking it a timing prob. is it the same way to time a chevy small block??? get the 1 piston on top dead center and on its compression stroke???? i was told to put my thumb over number one plug hole and when it blows pressure on my thumb thats the number 1 compression stroke but i cant cover the number 1 spark plug hole so any info on this thanks
elbine69   +1y
Is it getting enough fuel?
89mazdalade   +1y
on that im not sure i did pull the line to the fuel pump on the motor going to the carb and had my mom turn it over and it was pumping gas out the stock fuel filter i replaced with a new one and it shows only like 1/4 fuel in the bottom i thought it supposed to be full?????
89mazdalade   +1y
also does it matter on the top crank pulley i havent taken it off and i lined it up with the number 1 on it with the little arrow on the top of the front of the motor cover?????
89mazdalade   +1y
i think i got it everyone went out and turned the crank with the belt off to i hit the timing mark again and tried it and it REVS NOW HAHAHHA YES thanks everyone for all there help!!!!!!!