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Mazda Engine General \  car wont crank

car wont crank

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 886
replies 6
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kfz   +1y
Hi, i'm new to this web site but i think its the right place to ask this question. I got a b4000 and recently changed the starter, all went fine but then the battery died, so i changed the battery.. but it wont start any more. When i try to start i can hear the solenoid click, but it keeps engaging and disengaging and it doesnt seem to turn at all. So i disassembled and had it checked, the guy at the repair shop replaced the brushes.. but now i have the same problem.. Is it normal that the solenoid (starter) keeps clicking ? shouldn't it click only once ?
mazdatweaker   +1y
Hi, welcome to B-scene and your post is a little confusing.

If you starter has a solenoid on it, maybe it has gone bad internally. Normally, the solenoid pushes a big washer against two electrical contacts, allowing current to flow, in this case, to the brushes.

If your solenoid is bad, the current will flow in, but not across, the contacts.

If the battery terminals or wires are corroded, loose or otherwise defective, or battery itself is not supplying at least 9.6 volts and enough amperage, the solenoid won't work properly.

Your indication that the battery went bad may provide a clue that you have some faults in the connections

I would take both the starter and battery to a different shop and get both of them load tested.
kfz   +1y
Thanks for answering MazdaTweaker, when i took the starter to the shop he said he coulnd't garantee it to work, he said everything seem working properly but he cant garantee it.. Can a faulty solenoid keps clicking if its bad ? The battery is new so i doupt its the problem. Can it be a ECU problem ? I went to mazda to get the diagram for connection and verified everything is in the right place..When i try to crank it the solenoid clicks about 1 time per second..what can cause this ? is it normal operation or can it be short-circuit or a bad ecu or somethign else?
royceta59   +1y
look for the starter relay, if thats bad the current gets really weak, that might cause it to click rather than crank.. sounds like you went to a shitty shop
kfz   +1y
yeah, I'll do that, is there anyway to test those ? ohm reading or something cause it does it job but how to tell if it's weak ?

So today I removed it from the truck again and using jumper cable, the black on the body and grounded @ - of battery, red on the bolt and using a wire i jumped it using the starter relay, all worked fine.. so i tought its either one of those 3 wires fault. I removed the red from the truck and using multimeter tested for resistance : 0 ohm..and continuity is fine.. so this one is good, then did the same for the control wire, 0ohm and continuity.. so it might be the ground.. i didnt want to remove it from its location so i went under the truck, and the ground gives me 10meg ohm resistance testing from the cable to the chassis.. so i'm guessing this one is faulty but shouldnt it be grounded already from the casing connecting to the tranny ? i mean this cable surely helps as its a shortcut but shouldnt it work even if there was no ground directly from the battery?

thanks all for reading i know my english is bad and you probably have difficulty understanding what i'm trying to say your help is much appreciated!
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
a trans mount and motor mounts are made of a rubber material. no way for current to flow through them. thats why you have a chassic and a motor ground. make sure your post and connectors on the battery are clean. also check all contact surfaces on the ends of the ground. take some sand paper and clean all your contact surfaces and it should work fine. also make sure all your points of contact are tight.
mazdatweaker   +1y

You have found your problem.
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