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Mazda Engine General \  DOES ANYONE KNOW?


Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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87b2grand   +1y
I have checked the forum but no luck i have a 87 b2000 and the battery dies immediatley after shutting off. ANyone have any advice. the back raises up after sitting a while are these problems connected? thanks
porkchop69   +1y
i dont think its connected at all but who knows
sounds like the alt is bad if the batt dies after shutting it off
so are you saying the back bags fill with air if your truck is just sitting there (off)?
87b2grand   +1y
yes the back will go up till the battery dies. Is this moisture in the system?
paparoach1983   +1y
might be but it sounds more like a short in the system get a probe and shut the battery off then go throught the wires to see what is getting power and trace it back.
porkchop69   +1y
I agree with papa it sounds to like there is a short somewhere. Get ur self a volt meter and track it down the only thing I can think of is when the battery dies ur valves are opening up to let escape from ur tank to ur bags so to me that sounds like a wireing issue somewhere. But then again there could be mostuire in the system not letting ur valves close all the way causeing the back valves to open up and let air pass threw.
paparoach1983   +1y
have you fingered this one out yet. lol
droppedmydawg   +1y
There is not a short. Unfortunately the word short is thrown into electrical conversation every time someone has a problem. It is either a cross circuit or a switch that is not fully open, when it should be, that is allowing the rear bags to continue filling. There may be 2 problems. A short would cause the the wire to ground prematurely before it's intended source, usually causing sparks and a blown fuse. What you have is a draw on your battery. The draw will continue to draw amperage from the battery until it has none to give. If you get a DVOM(Digital volt ohm meter) and disconnect your positive battery cable, then run the DVOM in series with the battery to the cable( that is connecting one lead to the battery + and the other to the + cable) set it to amps position and you will see it has a small draw. Then you will need to go to your fuses and pull one at a time, checking the DVOM after each fuse to see if the draw was eliminated. When the draw stops after a fuse then, BINGO!, you found the circuit that is killing your battery and it probably is the bag circuit seeing as your bags are getting bled into. If it is your bag circuit then you need to start by reinstalling the fuse then removing the switch. Your draw should stop when the switch is removed. If this does the trick then you can replace the switch with another to verify the repair. If for some reason the bag circuit is not the circuit that is being drawn off of then let us know and we will give further help based on what circuit is being drawn from. Good luck -Ed
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