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General Discussion \  RPS Whoring last night..

RPS Whoring last night..

General Discussion
views 5852
replies 29
following 12
tiger   +1y
It jsut kinda gives RS a bad image is all...chances are quite a few people saw that, and didn't look kindly upon it, so now RS leaves a bad taste in thier mouth.
tuckin eh   +1y
yeah way to make RS look like a bunch of childish punks. not sayin it wasn't funny or anything but 40 post was a little excessive. still immature and incalled for tho.
infernoford   +1y
those guys have had "" and Rangerscene" on their cus-word list for months. So all you get is ************ It's been that way since that flyingburrito guy invited me over here.
tiger   +1y
That flying burrito guy really gets around.
jackedup99   +1y

thats what your mom said last night

Ooooooo, Burn!
tiffany   +1y

which makes this all sooo much funnier and not that big of a deal so you all can say your sorry for bashin him so much and stfu already
xxxxcjxxxx   +1y
tiff you can STFU
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y


bodydropped85   +1y
who cares?
tiffany   +1y

we will see how long this lasts!

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Punk ass bitch who owns NOW!