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General Discussion \  The immaturity of RPS

The immaturity of RPS

General Discussion
views 8101
replies 30
following 14
the twanksta   +1y
Well, i just looked up RPS on our search, then actually READ the posts, almost all of them are referring or just mention RPS not all of them are bashing it...and i dont know if baha would ban your sig, but if i was my site i wouldnt long as you arent just coming over to do it on purpose. oh and btw it was banned before I came over.
daweezi   +1y
this is the only thing i didnt like about ure post because u cant really compare a forum that started when ranger owners needed or wanted a forum as to one that just started while there are already other forums out there on the same subject...the comparison is obsolete because there are different circumstances surrounding both forums...but as i stated when i PMed you, thanx for the honest post man
rps4life   +1y
thats a fair comment
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
Yeah Kevin K does suck I got banned cause I told him he was wrong and that really pissed me off and i thought i remembered something about a 3 strikes rule but im not sure honestly.
RPS has a great forsale forum and snapshots gives me a laugh every now and then but aside from that you get forum assholes whos every other post is use the search its like they think since they have seen it before everyone has.
My biggest problem overall was the bullshit banning I recieved and then when some other jackass named Josh in the same car club (1 of 3) was posting chuck norris or some shit and the mods or whoever is in control and can edit post plastered my name and bahas name and addresses with a for a good time call caption, that was in poor taste and you didnt even get my address right.
And my roomate who is also a member of ID someone made his account where he couldnt sign in instead of banning him and he did nothing wrong along with several members of ID
And Today Kevin K signed my guestbook on rps and posted EAT SHIT Bitch. I mean what the hell.
All I have ever done is try to help other ranger owners I mean you ask anybody that has ever asked my help about something I go out of my way to help them even though most of the time I dont get the same response I still try, I mean I have bought and sold lots of stuff in the For Sale section of RPS and I have always been honest. and would someone tell NickG239 that it wasnt this Josh that tried to screw him on his 16inch splash wheels It was a guy names Josh Giles not me.
tuckin eh   +1y
anyone else having problems even gettin on rps lately. i haven't even been able to read anything on that site for weeks now. too crowded with newbies. I always get the server is too busy bullshit. I'm totm on there and it doesn't even show that anymore. well not to me anyways.
wht01ranger   +1y
all this RPS shit just needs to drop, it's gettin gold, it makes both sides look bad

it's ridiculous

honestly, the twanksta shit was just gay, and posting banners of other sites on a specific site will probably have the same outcome, removal or altering of sigs

just drop the shit because it's getting really lame seeing all this RPS this RPS that, RS this RS that, who gives a flying fuck...let it go
bodydropped85   +1y
i just stoped caring..... lol yai t was cool back in the day when there welike 4k people and there were actual posts to be read. now its just bs posts(alot like here but more people seem to help than bitch)i l ike it here and its my new home.
layingframe89   +1y
yeah for real if u dont like rps dont go there and if u are so worried about what is being posted over there then stop posting. i mean i did get banned for doing nothing but i dont care i have a new hom,e and i just dont like when i here that newbies on here try and start shit with other sites. dont start something that u are not really that important to. i think most people know who i am talking about. dont post whore on other sites like u do on these sites and then claim ranger scene that gives us a bad name. leave ur rookie comments to urself or start ur own damn forum!

thats just my 2 cents
tiffany   +1y
Ok damn where do I start. I used to go to RPS all the time. Thats where all my modding ideas really came from. THEN it all changed. people started post whoring and it got real old real quick. and the search comments, well we wont even go there. RPS changed alot. People either post whore on one subject forever or dont post shit when you really need them to. annoying as hell. all they do is bitch. the for sale and the photo threads are the only things i go there for anymore. i dont remember when i posted in there last. i dont even remember the last time i was on there. Rangerscene has become a home to alot of us here. I think we are more closely tied together cause we are all on here all the time. I like that better than being bitched at or looked down on from people who you have never even seen around the forums. RS will grow to get big and be super helpful ONE DAY(more than it already is of course). RPS is huge and is helpful as well as Ranger-Forums but the people are just different on all the sites. They all have their different features that we do or dont like and its fine. BUT dont come on RS bashing RPS when you are still a member and post whore, NOT directed at you Twanksta cause you know I stand by ya man! But its really rediculous how people are so two faced and its funny how people sign up on RS JUST to speak their peace on how we bitch about RPS. If you dont want to hear bitching about RPS heres an idea find the lil back button or the red X and click it or go the fuck back to RPS. You DO have a choice on what you guys read its really not that hard to resist the temptation of reading a thread about RPS. So dont fuckin bitch about what you did to yourself (read the effin post in the first place).

RPS = Sucks Ass!!!!!

thats my 2 cents!
bodydropped85   +1y
my thoughts exactly tiff!!!