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Mazda Engine General \  weber jets?

weber jets?

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 1189
replies 9
following 4
chrismp91   +1y
got a weber today 32/36 dgev for 150 thought it was a good deal...came off another mazda and runs fine but I can tell its runnin alittle rich I've adjusted all I can till im blue in the face but I've seen ware u can change the jet sizes...hurd 140 for main and second is realy good but mine is 160 and 165 idk about the primarys...anyone know a good setting ware its not so rich?
Cusser   +1y
What are your idle jets sizes?
chrismp91   +1y
my primary is a 55 and my secondary is a 45 my main jets are 140 and 135 air corectors are a 160 and 170
Cusser   +1y
My primary idle is 52 and the secondary idle is 45. I don't know the other sizes, whatever the Redline ones were supplied with back then.
dan woodland   +1y
You'll run rich if you have an automatic, the electric fuel pump can provide a fuel pressure too high for the weber. The max is 3.5psi.

Here is a portion of my thread on my rebuild where I talk about the weber default jets fuel pressure reg etc. Starts at post 212 into page 23.

chrismp91   +1y
its a 5 speed with 3/8 fuel line at the tank and fire wall
chrismp91   +1y
and ya my air jets and bowl jets are factory just the primarys are lowered just seems alittle rich sometimes maybe the float is off alittle in the bowl....and does the front of the weber tend to stay alittle dirty and damp of fuel but not bad or leaking wise just kinda dirty
dan woodland   +1y
Open it up, I've heard of the jets "floating" around in the bowl!
chrismp91   +1y
na its good i took it apart before i put it on the truck and deep cleaned it and did a psi test on the carb sepret off the truck and im runnin little over 3psi in fuel
dvsdev   +1y
I just put a 32/36 on my B2000, bought it off another 2ltr cross flow motor, asked local Weber supplier about jets and his reply was what I had.

Primary main -135
Primary air -175
Primary idle -47
Primary E tube -F66
Secondary main -130
Secondary air -125
Secondary idle -45
Secondary tube -F66
Pump jet -50

I'm situated at an average of 10-100ft above sea level, but my plugs seem pretty good colour wise and no fuel smell or cackling when coming off throttle going downhill.
I did notice that my fuel bowl needed adjustment though, the plastic float was about 6mm too high 1/4", and since I adjusted it, the motor revs even cleaner now that it ever did with the Nikki carb
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