Gotta toot my horn a little here...I passed the written test of the firefighter's test....Today I took the physical portion. It went linke this, put 50lbs on your back, pick up a length of fire hose (about 20 lbs), carry it up three flights of stairs, drop it, go back down; hit a weighted sled with a dead-blow sledge hammer and move it ~5 feet (VERY difficult, much harder then it sounds); extend the fly section of a two-piece ladder and retract it, twice (weighs about 40 lbs); pull a 15lbs weight down 25 times; crawl through a 3' colvert (slippery as crap), lift a 30lbs weight from 2' 6" to 3' 6" and back again; carry a pressurized hose 75 feet (I screwed up this part...didn't sling the hose as much as I should've), discahrge the hose the drop it; and finally drag a 175 lbs (at least) dummy 75 feet. You've got a 7 min time limit. My time wasn't too, too impressive at 5:01, but I paced myself so as to not burn out. The fastest time was 3:16 put up by a 40 year old British guy....lol. Hey, at least I passed.