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Your favorite popular drinks !

General Discussion
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mrrngr94   +1y
Pretty well! I brought some rum with me to Afghanistan (big no no) and would drink it in Dr. Pepper cans. lol I guess it all comes down to how desperate you are.

I created a pretty good drink a few weeks back. Don't really have a name for it though. Guess I'll call it T-Bone Punch. lol Anyway, it cosists of:

JD's Downhome Punch
Malibu Rum
Apricot schnapps
Rum (can be 151 if you want)
A little bit of MD 20/20 (Just for that cool teenager feeling and b/c I have 2 bottles I need to use up. lol)
And some Plum Liquor that I made.

Another one I made tastes exactly like pistaccio pudding. Not sure how many of you like the taste of that, but it's pretty damn good!
For that you use:

Malibu Rum
scrp1day   +1y
the first concoction sounds good. im not so sure about the second but ill try any drink once. how did you do the plum liquor?
mrrngr94   +1y
Plum Liqueur

2 lbs. plums
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups vodka
0.5 cup brandy

Wash plums and pat dry. Cut plums in half or smaller; pit. Place plums in aging container. Pour sugar over plums, stir. Add vodka and brandy stirring to partly disolve sugar. Cap container and place in a cool, dark place for 2 months, stir occasionally.

Place a strainer over large bowl and strain liqueur. Press liquid from plums with the back of a wooden spoon. Discard plum pulp. Re-strain liqueur through cloth until clear. Bottle as desired. Ready for drinking or cooking but best if aged another month.

I made mine 5 months ago and have yet to strain it. I figure it proly gets better the longer you let it sit and ferment.

Here's mine

and here's a high contrast closeup.

The hardest part is waiting the two months. Luckily I was deployed while it was fermenting.
scrp1day   +1y
sounds good im gonna get some plums this week!
cruznlife1   +1y
mrrngr94   +1y

Yeah. Can you believe my mom use to think I was an alcaholic?
scrp1day   +1y
so can you use anything for asn aging container cuz yours looks like a biscotti tub my mom gets.
mrrngr94   +1y
Pretty much. It was just a gallon tupperware container I bought at winn-dixie