I've run a Weber 32/36 DGEV on my B2200 for 6 years now, runs great. I also have manual transmission, used a fuel pressure regulator for a year, didn't help anything, hurt my wallet and then started leaking, had to remove it in a parking lot at night to avoid a fire (luckily, I smelled gas, was driving with windows open).
I don't have either catalytic converter, I use standard spark plugs at the Mazda setting, also run timing at the Mazda setting. However, I set the timing at 6BTDC with the vacuum line CONNECTED, as my 1988 service manual states, at rpm about 800-900. If the rpm is different, then the vacuum to the distributor is different, got to get that right.
Did you use sealant, like Permatex Aviation, on all the adapter and carb gaskets, and torque everything correctly? This is very important.