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Mazda Engine General \  timing help

timing help

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 890
replies 6
following 4
devilbunny   +1y
i have a b2200 2.2 im trying to get the timing right im following everything im lining up timing marks up...but the problem lies here when marks line up #1 is all the way down...ive tried everything im at a loss....any help or suggestions would help. 2.2 carb also i noticed that someone told me may have been fuel injected at one time and converted over to carb....
crazy tarzan   +1y
sounds like it needs to go through a couple rotations more. Took me forever when I was doing the head to get the white chain link, timing mark on cam sprocket, and mark on crank pulley, and distributor to all line up right. Felt like I spent half an hour with a socket spinning the crank around.

Make sure to take out your spark plugs so you don't have to fight the compression also.
Cusser   +1y
Rotate the engine another full turn of the crankshaft pulley. The distributor rotor should be about at the 9 o'clock position as you look at it.
devilbunny   +1y
ive done several revolutions but piston doesnt match timing marks,,,
Cusser   +1y
Pictures !!!
mazdafvr   +1y
take the timing belt off top pully. line up a or 1 with the mark,(some have abc and some have 123 on cam pully.) check dizzy like cusser said, should be about nine oclock, now take # 1 plug out (plug closest to dizzy) and get a straw or somthing to stick in the cylinder that wont scratch it. turn crank till the # 1 piston is all the way up. then when u look at the mark on the crank, it should be lined up. hope this helps
crazy tarzan   +1y
On my 2.6 TDC had the timing mark and single white link of the chain sitting at 90* to the right from vertical, and the crank pulley lining up the mark with the degrees on the block, the distributor was 90* ish to the left--like I said took forever to get it to line up that way.

Somewhere on here there is a link to the 1992 factory manual, and it has a whole section on the 2.2l that might help you (it's in pdf, you'll need to download it) Here's the link--it's a dropbox file, pdf

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