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new daily

General Discussion
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scrp1day   +1y
so with the way gas prices have been going ive been looking into bikes for a few onths now and getting pretty serious then today i found my new daily/toy! its a 2000 yamaha v-star classic 650. all black with chrome accenting. only 1900 miles! the guy ahd a hip replaced and cant ride for more than like 20 minutes so i swoope in today to buy it and i pick it up tommorow! im ridiculous stoked about it. got helmeats and extra stuff to go with it. all for 3k which is great and my insurance is only 880 for a full year! im lovin this right now. now the ranger goes to the garage. i think ill get to tinker with it more so who knows whats all in store! ill post pics tommorow after i pick it up
scrp1day   +1y
just got home heres the pic but its darka dn raining more tommorow
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daweezi   +1y
lookin good, cant wait to see some daylight pics
mrrngr94   +1y
Nice! I just bought a Shadow Aero 1100 with 16K on it for $1800 but I can't ride it until I get back home, which is gonna be another 6 months. Get some day pics up of that thing!
scrp1day   +1y
well ive been super busy at work getting radty for anotehr yard period so here ya go. not quite day light but it was like 5 am! and mr rngr first of all thakns for bein out there away from your wife and rugrats and second youll be home soon i know how you feel. i got 2 more underways before i get out!
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Post was last edited on Jul 01, 2006 03:07. This post has been edited 1 times.
scrp1day   +1y
i already love it and will start modding it im sure! first up is to ditch the rear turn signals and get clear covers on the front signals. i already took off the rear seat and sissy bar. cleaned it up a lot. its the vstar classic which means the fenders are longer than the custom. more my style. anyone thinking about a bike i would suggest getting one.

baha   +1y
sweet bike man!
t baggin98   +1y
damn matt, bike looks good.

my birthday is on monday, you need to come up or somethin.

mr rangr i didnt know you were navy? that sucks your underway man. like scrp said i feel for ya ive been there. luckily i only have a couple 2 weekers left till we go to the yards and then i get out
scrp1day   +1y
^ thanks everyone. its something new to get used to but im lovin it.

zac gimme a call about monday
t baggin98   +1y
im ont the boat, ive got duty right now. ill call ya tomorrow afternoon though