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Mazda Engine General \  cat convertor glowing red

cat convertor glowing red

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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mazdog93   +1y
I have a quick question, a few months back my cat convertor turned red hot, now this truck had not been moved in over year and not ran in about 6 months, it is possible there was a blockage, etc... I have dove back into it and the first thing i did was cut the exhaust right before the cat and water poured out. Now would this have caused the glowing or could it be that my carb is not burning right? I have a weber, and it runs okay until you get to the upper rpms, almost sounds as if it is flooding out. The other question is on my fuel pump i did run a return line could that be my whole problem? I know it is alot to ask but that is why i come here, yall a great!!!!
itizmyne   +1y

My parents had a 70 monte carlo and on the way home one day my dad, in the monte carlo, was being followed by my mom, she said under the car was glowing. He pulled over and sure enough it was. we had a fuel problem, gas wasnt burning when it should and was just going out the exhaust, sat in the cat long enough and it just burned and burned.
Might not be your problem, but same problem, might be the same cause.
applianceguy   +1y
A "too rich" condition can cause the Cat to get too hot and melt down. Run it with open exhaust for awhile, so you can clear out the #1 Cat if you still have it. Run the Crap out of it w/open exhaust to clear everything out, and then be sure you get the fuel mixture right B4 putting in another Cat, otherwise you wwill melt the new one too.

Good luck!
Keep on Truckin!
crazy tarzan   +1y
I washed my truck engine once (yeah, I tempted fate). On the way home it quit running. The next day I got it to run mostly. . . and hit the freeway, but it ran progressively worse. Eventually it quit again--after heating the floor of the cab enough to let you smell burning carpet inside. My air box filter was altered by a p.o. and had allowed the filter/box to become sopping wet. It would then pull water in through the intake and not burn all the fuel. The extra fuel then burned in the cat, which then started not flowing due to fuel burning and creating more issues, which then put more unburned fuel in the cat etc., etc., etc.

In the end I pulled my cat off a while ago and found that it had burned/blown out through 75% of the cat.

That said, a glowing cat means it's burning something off/malfunctioning--and how much water did you have come out? A little dribble, or a nice pour?
mazdog93   +1y
When i cut it poured about a 32 once glass full out, the place i was keeping had an issue with water running to the area where is was parked because it was dirt and a low area. I am just wondering because i do not have return on my fuel pump that maybe that is why it is not burning all the fuel, i.e. flooding it sort of??
crazy tarzan   +1y
I know FI uses a return line, but don't know that a carb'd vehicle necesarily needs it. Sounds to me like you had partial blockage and the motor is out of tune from sitting. These probably both contributed to a poor flowing cat, the water not letting it burn off normally. This may have then caused it to start a positive feed back cycle (like mine did) and overheat the cat. Mind you this is all posturing of possibilities.

What condition is your cat in now? Have you inspected it? What color is it inside?
mazdafvr   +1y
mine was doing that, if I reved it it would stop at 4500 rpms and go down to about 3000 rpms and back up to 5 grand and back down and would keep doing this in neutral with it floored, turns out, my motor is retarded. literally I retarded my timing by the belt, sits about 3-4 degrees retarded and it runs like fuck now. just did this last night cause I had trouble after a head swap, sounded like it was flooding, maybe line up your cam and crank marks and if its more than 5 degreed btdc id move the crank clock wise a tooth and try it, I didn't even have to move my distributor.
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