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Mazda Engine General \  Needing info/insight on B2000 wiring

Needing info/insight on B2000 wiring

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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bdroppd_2000   +1y
I am in need of some advice and/or info on a wiring problem I am having with my 87 B2000. I recently purchased the truck, and after inspecting it, I found 2 rat nests of wiring, one on the driver and one on the passenger side of the truck. The driverside 'nest' was the remnants of a poorly installed door popper, and the passenger side was what appeared to be cut and spliced wires that went to the heater. After removing and repairing the rat nests the truck doesn't send any power thru the wiring. I ran a jumper from the starter to the battery to check if it was the battery, and the starter kicked over with no problem. I checked the 80A fuse and it appeared to be good. It may be something that I over looked to be honest. Now Im stuck because the truck is currently at a family members house an hour away and I really need to get it to my new place.
The main question I am trying to get answered is, which models and years of B series pickups could I pirate a wiring harness from, and/or has anyone used a kit from Painless or any similar company and had success. I have tryed going to the local junkyard but finding a full and complete harness has been no luck since all of the trucks Ive looked thru have had some part of the wiring cut to aid in removal of an engine. Any help or advice will me much appreciated.

Cusser   +1y
Bdroppd - these trucks, after a few decades, seem to have a high incidence in the failure of the electrical part of the ignition switch. so check that out.
scotch   +1y
Is starting/cranking the only problem? Other stuff work OK, like horn, lights, radio, AC fan?

There is a good chance somebody was trying to bypass the ignition switch if it was bad. You can trace those relatively easy by pulling the speedometer cluster.

Give us a little more insight not the nature of the repaired nests. If you can't get it sorted out, I can get you some harnesses.
bdroppd_2000   +1y
Scotch sent ya an email with more info.

The issue isn't just that the truck wont start, but that the none of the electrical works. dash, lights, ignition... nothing is getting power from the battery. Are there any other common problems that may be causing the power not to be sent? When I checked, the main 80A fuse was good, and all the fuses in the fuse blokc were as well
bdroppd_2000   +1y
Finally had a chance this weekend to wrench on the truck, and with all the little bit of advice I had... got no where. I took a few pics to give insight into what I am dealing with, and hopefully it will help to get some feed back. So far I discovered that I probably need a new ignition switch, the power wire going into the switch could rotate 360 degrees, which Im assuming is no good... The new one that was purchased was wrong and the one needed was not in stock, so I will have to wait on that. got a new battery and new 30A & 80A fuses, and made sure all the fuses in the fuse block were in good shape. checked the power at the battery, 12.64V, and got the same at the back of the terminal blocks. checked voltage at the ignition switch, and none of the wires showed any power going to them. Checked to see if the headlights would come on, and they didnt. Below are a few cell phone pics of what Ive got going on under the hood.
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bdroppd_2000   +1y
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bdroppd_2000   +1y
some more pics
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bdroppd_2000   +1y
i have a few more of the wiring harness but its kind of redundant. Basically from the looks of it the harness itself is not the problem, isa all the connections under the hood that are missing or damaged... Either way, I really need to get this truck rolling so any help is welcome.
axel breaker earl   +1y
Get a different harness! That wiring is a MESS! The pic you have on the back of the fuse block......has a fried wire coming out of it!! Someone that messed with this truck before you got it, needs to stay away from working on a vehicle for the rest of his or her life!

Start checking the JY's and get any of the harnesses that you can if you want to get this truck going again.......or you could unplug everything on this truck and just jump off the starter, hook up a power wire to the brake light switch (maybe the brake lights will work) so when you step on the brakes your brake lights come on, and drive it back to your house during the daylight hours and when there is no chance of rain.

Bottom need some good harnesses in that truck!
bdroppd_2000   +1y
Ya, the guy who I bought the truck from was a piece of work...
I tryed the local junkyard a few times, but came up with nothing, The harnesses were in worse shape due to people slashing wires to get to other parts on the truck. I dont want to put another hack job wiring harness in it and dont wanna loose interest due to the trouble this wiring is causing. If anyone has access to a complete harness as well as all other wiring to go in a base model 87 b2000... hit me up. Otherwise Im back to working with wut Ive got, which as the pictures show is crap...