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Mazda Lowering Static \  weber problem

weber problem

Mazda Lowering Static Mazda Suspension Mazda Tech
views 943
replies 4
following 3
91adzam   +1y
so i got a 91 mazda with a 32/36 weber and every time i shut off truck it shimmy an shakes and makes a noise like its pushin air out i replaced gaskets with thicker ones an blocked off all vac lines jus dont knoe if my mixtures off or what.
Cusser   +1y
Dieseling ("run-on"). If you stall it with the clutch, that will stop it.

Better is too make sure that the idle mixture is not too rich, or the idle speed adjusted too high. Mine did this before I lowered the idle speed.

There's also an electric shut off jet available, but I've never tried it. See for electric Weber idle shut off jet ($18 and $17)
xxchromeghostxx   +1y
Yup i had a link somewhere on tuning the weber, but this is best i remember and followed step by step will re-tune your weber and make the diesling stop or atleast not as noticed maybe a small rumble after shutoff but no more shimmying an shakin like Elvis lol.

1st let the truck warm up for atleast 20-30 mins or just go for a drive around get a six pack and a hotdog whatever lol, just need to make sure the choke isn't on.

2nd, take your idle mixture screw ( If looking at the engine from the front ) Will be on the lower left side and accesed form behind with a flathead screwdriver. Turn it out until your idle increases.

3rd. Once your idle increases from turning your idle screw out take and on the back of the carb accesed from the left side with a flathead screwdriver. Turn it in until your idle decreases

4th. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until your idle mixture screw no longer increases your idle.

5th.. once the idle mixture screw no longer increases idle. Important, make sure you give the engine a good rev at this point then shut your engine down. once turned off turn your idle mixture screw all the way in ( WHILE IT IS OFF )

6th, now this may take a long time if doing yourself so i reccomend a friend for this part, now on mine once i tried cranking after turning the screw in it wouldn't idle less throttle was held. With that being said if you have a second person just have them crank if it doesn't turn over have them stop and easily turn the idle mixture screw out ( noting how many turns you use)

7th. If you are doing it by yourself it's no different just lots of back and forth to crank it up each time adjust your screw. Now once the screw is adjusted and the truck will start and idle it may spit sputter like it's going to die. This is okay, as long as it runs it's fine just get it open enough to allow idle at first.

8th. Once you have idle slowly back your idle mixture screw out till the engine stops spitting and sputtering, if it is withing 2 1/4 turn backed out this is called best lean idle mixture, if you need more you may need to adjust your jets ( not a big deal will hurt nothing just a note)

9th. Once your idle mixture screw setlles your engine set your idle speed screw to wherever you wish it to be set or where the idle sounds good to you ( if don't have a tach ) and this should be a best lean misture setting and fix your dieseling issues if it is nothing else like a leaking intake manifold gasket or something else.
91adzam   +1y
thanks that helped out these webers are bipolar lol
xxchromeghostxx   +1y
lol the whole truck is bi polar soon you will learn that. an welcome
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