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Ranger Engine \  Does the 93-97 Rangers have (ABS) brakes?

Does the 93-97 Rangers have (ABS) brakes?

Ranger Engine Ranger Tech
views 3274
replies 16
following 9
blackranger93   +1y
JUST WENT OUTSIDE TO CHECK MY COOLANT AND MY FRONT RIGHT RIMS IS BLACK I thew a lil water on it and fumes went everywhere so that caliper and everythi9ngs prolly singed and prolly cost lots of money to fix ((((
johnny5   +1y
that suxs man i thought that what it was.
cruznlife1   +1y
My 98 AND my 96 both have rear abs only.... Calipers, rotors, bearings etc. are NOT hard to do at all. Get yourself a shop manual from an autoparts store.
blackranger93   +1y
Well last night my dad came over and looked at it and we discovered that the brakes looked fine but I need new brake pads, and the shaking was causes by the U-joint(Double Cardan etc....) anyone know where to buy this part? not on internet though.
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
Im getting rid of mine, iv never used it or been used to it since I drove a old ass car with all drum brakes forever.
blackranger93   +1y
well were changing it from a double cardan joint, to a single if possible.
bodydropped85   +1y
yes abs is gay it get s in the way and when it fuckes up its expensive as fok to replace. if u have uneven wear on ur front pads then u have arpob either need new slides or a caliper. dont forget to turn ur rotors in tehre turnable