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Ranger Engine \  MAYDAY MAYDAY.. shes comming down

MAYDAY MAYDAY.. shes comming down

Ranger Engine Ranger Tech
views 2207
replies 9
following 3
at dusk   +1y
ok heres the problem.. driving home from work.. and cruzing along just fine and then all of a sudden teh truck dies.. the rpm falls instantly but a second later (and i mean a second later) it picks itself back up.. and drives as normal.. it did this abuto 5 times in a 15minute duration.. what teh hell could be the problem.. at first i thought battery.. becuase i just bought a new one.. but.. the lights never dimmed nor did teh music stop my second guess is fuel pump.. now i have a carter inline pump in there right now.. and its teh second one.. the first was replaced under warranty... when it was the pump, the truck would die and not pick back up till i took my foot off the gas.. and still continue to struggle if the gas pedal was pushed all the way to teh floor...

so any ideas.. im not 100% sure its not an electrical problem

please please help.. lol

bodydropped85   +1y
could be a bad pump or relay.
at dusk   +1y
well i think it might just be bad gas or somethgn in the gas tank.. took the truck out for a spin and it happened only once at teh beggining of teh trip.. and its been fine since..

ill keep ya posted
bodydropped85   +1y
thats possible. is it an external pump? do you ahvea filter b4 the pump?
scrp1day   +1y
im gonna go ahead and rule out ony electrical problem cuz you kept lights unless you have a nasty ground somewhere but not likely i would have the pupm checked.

how am i doin james lord of the ranger?
bodydropped85   +1y
yea if its an intermitiant stumble it could bea pump since he said he had a prob w/ it b4.
at dusk   +1y
its funny.. i kinda ruled out the pump.. just becuase its not stubling at all.. it shuts off dead and starts back up.. no stubling around and no hesitation..

im thinkin the whole electrical system is taking a shit.. lol.. hows that for optomism.. lol..

lost lights on teh insterment panel today, the truck never stoped (like yesterday) at all.. looked over the wires i could see, cant see anything wrong..

i think somethgn is drawing current even with teh truck off..

man.. i hate fixing electrical shit.. i can fix a fuel pump in 5 minutes n teh side of teh road.. wiring, i cant.. lol

bodydropped85   +1y
so what year and what motor wer talkin bout here?
at dusk   +1y
97 2.3L
bodydropped85   +1y
could be crank sensor, o man to many crap to list. coil pack, maf i could go on.and CEL?
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