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Ranger Suspension \  *!*Need Help*!*

*!*Need Help*!*

Ranger Suspension Ranger Tech
views 1334
replies 9
following 7
ranger0n20s   +1y
Hey guys, im about to be ordering air bag setup. i want really good setup but not sure on whats gonna be the best for the money. what i need to know is should i run 2 compressors or one and what kind, should i go with big air tank or go with a couple smaller ones, what size valves, fittings, lines, all that good stuff. um are slam bags the best? if you guys could help a brother(<---lol) out it would greatly appreciated. thanks again oh yeah i read somewhere that pressure switches mess the warranties up on compressors, is this true? hit me back

wht01ranger   +1y
all the tanks, valves, and compressors are preference, but yes some are better than others. most famous one is the viair lines of compressors. they are dependable

yes slams are good

i'd say go to , even better give Mike at gravity-werx a call. he is in columbus and he is very fast and quality is there. their new 4links should be coming out

1 (888) 239-3105
1 (706) 478-5075

he's a good guy, he's got everything you named and everything you need
95lowtide   +1y
i just bought a complete air ride setup for my truck. heres a list of what i got:

-Viar 380c compressor
-Viar 140/200 adjustable pressure switch
-SMC 3/8" valves (eight)
-SMC water trap
-Airlift 2B6 2500lb. air bags (front)
-Airlift 2B7 2600lb. air bags (rear)
-KP Components dual needle gauges (2)
-KP Components single needle gauge for tank pressure
-chrome 5 gallon 4-port tank
-50ft. 1/2" line
-50ft. 1/8" line (for gauges)

thats everything i bought. that should give you a good idea of what to get. i got all mine from
96rangerxlt   +1y
Yes Slam bags are awesome. Definitely want to run them in the front and possibly in the back if you can afford it. Running them in the front means you shouldn't have to run shocks.

Viair makes good compressors. By coincidence, I happen to have a Viair 380 w/ a pressure switch for sale and it is already sitting in Jame's shop. I really need to sell it b/c money is extremely tight w/ me right now, Ill cut you a great deal. In order to have Viair warranty on your compressors, you have to run a pressure switch. It just tells the compressor to turn off and on at certain psi. If you don't have one, you can run the compressor over Viair's recommended limit (200 on the 380 compressor) which can damage it. If you don't run the pressure switch Viair assumes you ran it over 200 and will not warranty the compressor.

Do you plan on mounting the tanks in the bed or underneath the bed? If in the bed I would run 1 big tank, if under the bed I would run 2 smaller tanks.

Also, what do you plan on doing for the gas tank? It needs to go either in the bed or you need to put in a fuel cell. It would be cheaper to put the stock tank in the bed, but a fuel cell does look better. It is all personal preference though. Same w/ the rest of your setup. I am only running 1 5 gallon 8 port tank w/ one compressor. Unless you just sit there and play w/ the bags all the time the should be enough. Plus by only running 1, you can mount the fuel cell where the spare tire is and mount the tank on the outside of the frame in the back and have nothing showing in your bed.   +1y
I've never heard of pressure switches ruining the warrenty of your compressor. Don't believe that to be true.

Slam bags I would agree are the best. But you pay for them also.

If your ordering a complete kit let me know i usually beat prices.
bodydropped85   +1y
if u get a new viar and dont havea pressure switch on the same bill, warranty automatically void
ranger0n20s   +1y
thanks alot you guys hey forest have u used your 380 yet? and how much you looking to get? it will probaly next when i start buying my kit. for the money, is slam bags better than firestones, for the money? and thanks again yall help out alot
baha   +1y
Slam'Specialties are the best man, everyone makes a big deal like they are soooo expensive but now they are only $15 more then most bags
96rangerxlt   +1y
No I haven't used the 380 yet. It was in my buddy's bagged tbird for maybe a month or so but thats about it. It has never been used on my truck, just mounted up to see where it would go. For the compressor w/ a pressure switch I'd like to get around $140 but I am willing to negotiate. A brand new 380 is around 185 plus whatever a presssure switch costs. Slam bags are definitely the way to go.
wht01ranger   +1y
yea the new slams are cheaper...10bucks more than a firestone
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