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Ranger Exterior \  shavin the gas door on a splash

shavin the gas door on a splash

Ranger Exterior Ranger Tech
views 1719
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i h8 hites   +1y
there used to be a tech on this on a website but i can't find it anywhere. i kinda got the idea but i was lookin for some more tips. any help is appreciated...thanks
baha   +1y
I think the tech article is on RPS

There are a couple methods I know of, it will be alot easier if you unbolt that bed panel from your bed.

One method is to cut a metal panel out of sheet metal to the size of the opening. Next use adhesive to secure it to the backside. Once the metal panel is secure, lay your fiberglass until you fill the opening and fill it to the face of the panel. Give each layer of glass a little cure time, atleast until it's somewhat tacky before laying another layer.

The metal panel is used so you have something solid to work on.

After your fiberglass is fully laid and cured. Next it's time to sand it. To make sanding go faster if you are doing this by hand start out with 40 grit, then 80, then 120. Once it's sanded with 120 blow off the piece. You may have some pits, or crevices but that's ok, next lay the body filler over the entire area you have just sanded. Repeat the same process of sanding and increasing the grit of paper. 40 and 80 grit is mainly just to shape the piece. You still may have some small pits but it's ok just go back over it with body filler. Once this is all done block the area with 220 grit, blow off the area and spray the area with sandable primer. Do not use liquid cleaner on the area you used body filler, body filler absorbs moisture.

The other method is instead of using a metal panel on the backside is to first glass the backside then do the front as mentioned above.

Make sure you roughen up the panel before you lay the fiberglass, 120 grit should work fine.

Laying fiberglass can be a pain, you could probably get by with Fiberglass Reinforced body filler, but not body filler alone it's to brittle.

Hope this helps man

xxxxcjxxxx   +1y
nice Baha... thats how i planned to do mine... ill be doin mine soon
i h8 hites   +1y
thanks baha, appreciate the time it took to explain it. ill also get some pics up of it being done this weekend. peace dirty
515customs   +1y
The best way to do it would be weld it. You can make a filler plate with 16GA sheet and weld it in or by the filler from Grant Kustoms for like 10$ and just go over it with body filler, sand it out and prime.
96rangerxlt   +1y
cant weld to fiberglass. ranger splash bedsides aren't metal.
bodydropped85   +1y
id take some card board and make a template of the gas door.cover the card board in packing tape and lay a couple layers on there.**wear thick rubber gloves** get some fiber glass mat from home depot(the stuff from the parts store in the lil blue box sux, plus ull get a ton more mat, also resin and hardener can be bought there)let some hang off the edges so u can trim it to fit perfect. like baha said, taking the bedside off would make it a TON easier, but if u cant, i would definatly cut the old indention out for the gas filler door and tape the filler(piece you made) to the outside and glass it from the back w/ a bigger piece filling resin in the crack on the outside of the bed to to bond it to the bedside(once uve ground off the paint of course, just make sure not to grind to much off the gel coat;) )
515customs   +1y

Iam a idot.
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