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Ranger Audio/Interior \  radio bezel

radio bezel

Ranger Audio/Interior Ranger Tech
views 3073
replies 12
following 5
scrp1day   +1y
so you guys know the bezel around the radio in the 98-00 (not sure if newer or older are the same) i cant figure out how to get it off i tried to pop it off but the bottom is sticking real hard and i dont want to snap it. the top is easy to come off and i took the radio out and still no luck i just want to get it off for paint i already did the door panel inserts and they came out so well that i have to do more. any help is appreciated.
00ranger00   +1y
Just above the ac knobs there are some screws.

Youll need a rachet to get them out....not sure what size but youll be able to figure it out. Hope that helps!
scrp1day   +1y
thanks a bunch im gonna go look now
scrp1day   +1y
found em thanks bud paint here i come
00ranger00   +1y
No problem, Hey btw i like your truck....alhough im a little bias.

What color you painting if you dont mind me asking?
scrp1day   +1y
oxfordwhite like the outside is the bezel is givin me a bit of a problem but i think i shouldve prepped it better so i stripped it justa few minutes ago which sucked big time and i just dusted it ith paint im gonna go slow this time around like i did with the panels.
daweezi   +1y
yea slow is definately the way to go when paintin those interior pieces, i did a semi-fast job on my radio bezel and it turned out poopy compared to the rest of the dash, but imma redo everything anyway so im not worried
scrp1day   +1y
yeah im finishing the last coatright now nd it looks good cuz i tookmy time like i did with the doors but i got super high form the acetone i used to strip the paint off that i did wrong
bodydropped85   +1y
u couldnt got soem bulldog adhesion promotor from walmart and sprayed it on and not have to had sanded it. just as long as its clean.
scrp1day   +1y
ill try that next time thanks