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General Discussion \  Just bought a '90 MM, and need some Tech help.

Just bought a '90 MM, and need some Tech help.

General Discussion
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mighty90   +1y
Hi everyone, I bought a 1990 Mighty Max about 2 weeks ago. My last car developed a Rod knock, so I parted it out and bought the Max for $500.

200K miles, 5spd, V6 4wd.

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I have been teaching myself to drive stick with it, mostly taking it out at night when the roads are empty so It's easier to learn without getting ran off the road... But I haven't run it in 3-4 days, and I went to start it tonight and it's dead.

It cranks, but won't turn over. It tries to, and all the lights come on strong and bright(So I don't think it's the battery), but it just can't get itself turned over. and when you let go of the key, you can hear a quiet "Clunk" noise from the engine compartment a second or so later. Any ideas what could be wrong?

The guy I got the truck from said it needed a new coil, but then said that he had fixed it so it was fine. Could the coil be the issue?
mighty90   +1y
Well, I went to start the truck today and it started right up on the first turn of the key, no hesitation at all.

My only guess is that maybe it was too cold for it last night? Which seems unlikely, as it was at least 50 degrees out, and that seems like it would be high enough to not cause any problems...
droppedmitsu   +1y
I would check and see if the distributor cap is cracked or if there is moisture in there when it wont start. Also a new rotor for the distr. might help or be needed.
mighty90   +1y
Ok, I tried to run it again tonight and it started after some hesitation, it ran fine while idleing, and acted normal as I backed up. As soon as I went to put it into 1st, I accidentally killed it and it refused to start back up. A few times you could hear it start for 2-3 seconds, then immediately die and refuse to turn back over.

I checked the distributor and didn't see any cracks, or liquid inside. I'm going to pull cap off and look at it again tomorrow, when it's light and I have more time to mess with it.
mighty90   +1y
I pulled the cap off today and looked at it and it's dirty, but dry. The rotor looks new, with no visible damage or cracks. Tried to start the truck and it won't turn over, makes weird noises when trying. It is raining out today, So I am pretty sure it has to do with the moisture in the air.... But no idea what it could be effecting on the truck, or where I would start.

Should I just buy a new rotor anyways, in case it's defective?
timmy   +1y
I would try new rotor and maybe cap. Just woundering if you getting good gas to motor. fuel filter may be dirty and slowing gas flow.
qballd50   +1y
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