i went to a junk yard n picked up an extra tailgate and this is what went down
Aircraft Remover + Sanding
341149_10150508885362384_676302383_8726023_1674689775_o by aorolfo, on Flickr
Hydrogen Peroxide + Vinegar + Salt mixture sprayed on and brushed with a sponge
415362_10150513177902384_676302383_8737960_1210975831_o by aorolfo, on Flickr
After 10min
324284_10150513181172384_676302383_8737971_626210102_o by aorolfo, on Flickr
After another 10min
322360_10150513183742384_676302383_8737976_977175501_o by aorolfo, on Flickr
Finished Product
336678_10150513647347384_676302383_8740527_72868278_o by aorolfo, on Flickr
322505_10150513745742384_676302383_8740892_982425762_o by aorolfo, on Flickr