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Max Projects \  Pics of my truck

Pics of my truck

Max Projects
views 3368
replies 9
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castaneda8   +1y
So I've been here for a month or so and realized I never did get around to posting pics of my truck. Well it's under construction but I have plans for it as we all do for our love. lol.
My plans:
-Bag it
-Bucket seats
-Racing steering wheel
-18's with lo pros
-Completely re-do the enterior meaning...New carpet and dash and etc.
-paint(white/black hood)
-sun roof
I am currently doing a lot of body work and I am lowering it some more. A side from that I am looking for a phantom here soon and a chrome bumper.

I have some of this stuff done and other stuff that I forgot about. haha
As you can see I'm very simple. Nothing to fancy.
Here's my truck so far. Primer stage.
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qballd50   +1y
Your truck Looks Good Buddy!
Keep Us Informed When you Get Stuff Done!!
slow50   +1y
nice truck. how close are you to idaho? id trade you your stock bench for some civic bucket seats made to fit a d50.
castaneda8   +1y
Im about 8hrs from idaho. My bench seat has some little tears and wear on it though. That would be awesome but kinda far. I lowered the front end a lot today. It's very low but I wont put up pics untill monday which is when I am lowering the back end some more to. Thanks guys
castaneda8   +1y
Here's pics of my lowered truck. I lowered it more today from the front. I am doing the rear on monday.
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draggedmitsu   +1y
how did you lower the front
can u shoot me an email
paullen   +1y
Looks good! Loving the slammed look.
castaneda8   +1y
Thanks. Im trying to look for some shocks maybe. It's extremely bumpy and I hate that. haha. It looks pretty sick though.
slow50   +1y
did you cut the bump stops off? when i lowered my truck i slamed it and had to cut the bumstops completey off and the it only had about a half inch travel before the lca hit the spring pocket. and it rode like crap. but thats what made me bag it.
castaneda8   +1y
Well I only cut half of the bump stops off. It's a bit bouncy but It's not something that is going to bother me. I just try and avoid speed bumps and crappy roads. I do want to bag it eventually but I'm not certain wether I am going to stick with this truck or not.
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