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Max Projects \  mighty max mighty prodject!

mighty max mighty prodject!

Max Projects
views 1828
replies 7
following 4
doicus?smighty   +1y
just picked this up yesterday, almost perfect condition!!! 104,xxx original miles 2.0 5 speed and im wanting to make plans for it just not sure what yet, let me know what you think, gonna drop it soom idk how low tho and if i just drop it with the tortion bars will it mess anything up?
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as you can see super clean
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picked these up, im not sure if they will be to wide yet
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slow50   +1y
your truck doesnt have torsions in the front it has coil springs. looks pretty clean though.
droppedmitsu   +1y
You weren't kidding, that is SUPER clean. Yea, only 4wd versions of these trucks have torsions, we have coils. You either need to cut them or buy some drop coils or spindles. And get an alignment afterward
doicus?smighty   +1y
thanks, now i know cutting them would be the cheapest and from what i know drop spindles cost 200 plus! is there a certain way to cut it where can i get it done and do i have to replace my shocks?
sry guys newbie
jdmighty max   +1y
Nice find, super clean! Newbie here too
droppedmitsu   +1y
You can cut them yourself if you have the tools. Take them out and put them in a vice and cut them with an angle grinder is how I did it. One full coil from the end of the springs is about a 2" drop. You don't HAVE to replace the shocks, but it is definitely recommended. Belltech and Toxic make good drop shocks.
doicus?smighty   +1y
and the front of my truck sits a little lower than the back, i want an even stance and some people say that 2/3 drop wont give you that with my truck, should i go with 4 in the back?
droppedmitsu   +1y
its 2" lower in the front stock, so if you want it level what ever you lower it in the front it needs to be lowered 2" more in the back.
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