Hey i am soo close to finishing my diesel swap. I only need to figure the waste gate acuator, hookup clutch, and put dash bezels back in. Well i have an issue, i got a waste gate acuator from a guy on and it works but it wont seem to hook up. I lengthed it out to fit but it wont move it. I found the issue and found another. The acuator actually pulled the turbo away from the exhaust manifold showing that two nuts were missing from the previous idiots. Well i will try to dexcribe what i am seeing and thinking here.
The lever that move the waste gate starts at the 6 o'clock position and move counter clockwise to the 5 o'clock position. From what picture show me is it should move from the 7 to the 6 o'clock posistion. I looked and looked and didn't see a way to pull it out and move it. I don't wanna force it and break it. This truck just had the waste gate wired open when i got it so i don't have a clue in this area. Also i need to figure a way to make a vacume line from nothing. It needs to go from the intake to the acuator. What i have now doesnt seem to provide enough vacume to even twitch it. Any help guys i would appreciate, or if you guys know a more knowledgeable being then show them this please.