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Max Engine \  Why would it do this????

Why would it do this????

Max Engine Max Tech
views 1075
replies 4
following 3
sallen   +1y
What's up gents. I just got my truck up to par(thanks Ryan and quball). Anyway now that I got it running,inspected,tuned(I think).anyway my question is when I start my truck, for example the morning on the way to the grind or when iget off and go to start the beast when it starts the idle goes from high to low or vice versa. And after it gets to temp she idles fine. Can any of you explain this to me? Hope this is an easy fix. Thanks again.
ryan4dc   +1y
Hmmmm. Got an air bubble in the cooling system? Only thing I can think of that's temp related. Ficv opens with lower temps to warm up the engine. Might have something to do with it.
sallen   +1y
you think that would also be a factor ryan as to when i first get in it and start it and just drive while its cold it will spit and sputter until it gets warm or up to temp...then it runs like a champ. this damn truck sat for many years,it was an old mans he died his daughter got it and she just let it sit for four years then decided to sell i bought it had to change the fuel tank (it was bad) other than that its a great truck.92 base no power steering,its got a/c need charge or the drier?? its very straight,, but got big plans for it...anyway thats a brief... i will post pics when it looks somewhat like a mini....
ryan4dc   +1y
It is possible. Unless coolant temp sensor is bad. The temp decides how much fuel to give in a efi truck. Carb trucks not too sure how it controls fuel but when I had an air pocket it would sputter real bad. If the rad was empty I could barely make freeway speeds. Mines started as a carbed truck.
offroad max   +1y

the choke richens the fuel mixture

but you might want to check the vacuum lines attached to the the throttlebody see if any are leaking and check the wires from the ecm make sure there all good
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