Well, decided to take the cylinder head off today. Spent the last day or so removing every wire, vacuum line, water hose and fuel line to the carburetor, manifold and engine. Each removed part was put in a drawer with all the nuts and bolts that held it and labeled- that way no extra parts left over upon reassembly. I have a nice metal cabinet with lots of drawers to hold all this stuff.
Labeled all those wires and hoses. Made a sheet of paper with all the pertinent info from each labeled hose and wire indicating where I took it off of to make up for delays in reassembly- and knowing me there will be delay!!!!
So, after I get the head off I see number two exhaust valve has a big chunk out of it. About a quarter of an inch out of the circumference of the head of the valve and about half that much out towards the stem!!! The cylinder looked real clean, actually. Number 3 was kinda grungy, with a bit of carbon built up around the top and what looks like rust down in it. I know it isn't right, but I think I will run a glaze breaker hone in that cylinder and clean it up. Heck, it isn't a top fuel dragster!!!
This is a low budget operation because, well, just because!! Just a litle old truck I saved from being cut up into a trailer and I wanna see if I can make it run. If I take my time and am thorough, I think it will be just fine.
The number 2 exhaust valve seat looked good and no signs of being cut. They all could use a bit of grinding. All of the intake valves had quite a bit of carbon build up.
I have a friend who has a good auto machine shop and will get him to check the valves and seats out and see what he thinks. If the head has no cracks or other disabling defects I'll have it surfaced.
All the pistons looked good.