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Max Engine \  i need help, quick! time is running out!

i need help, quick! time is running out!

Max Engine Max Tech
views 1299
replies 5
following 3
brendo   +1y
okay, so i went and got my emissions checked and i failed!
so i need some help. mostly from you guys with Weber's.
i have a 86 2.6l with a Weber, manual fuel pump. (trying to hold off on electric as long as possible) what are the secrets to passing with a Weber. please, this is my last one and i need to pass.

thank you guys for the help.
brendo   +1y
ohh, and i forgot to say. i passed my HC but not my CO(%) in high RPM and idle
two bills   +1y
I've got the same problem w/my '87 mm 2.6, except I'm trying to get my nox @25mph down. Have you put fresh plugs in? Air filter? Oil change? Retard the timing? Run 50 miles before you take it in? Test on a rainy day (iffy). Check your o2 sensor? Just shootin' from the hip here. I feel your pain. Lookin' to get my last one, also. Maybe rejet your carb.
brendo   +1y
plugs arent too old, replaced after new head went on. (about 3 months ago) havent checked o2 sensor. i think its cause it running rich. im really hoping so. if it says N/A on the pass/fail slot in the results paper does that just mean i failed so bad i didnt get that far or it just doesnt apply to me?
two bills   +1y
Not sure about the N/A, but if you're running rich I'd start by checking the 02 sensor. If you put a meter on it at idle you should be reading about .5vdc. Rev up to about 2500rpm and the reading should change to about 1vdc.
No change or no reading + bad 02 sensor. If the sensor's good you might want to consider rejetting the Weber.
The next step on mine's going to be cleaning out the egr (it works) and installing colder plugs. Can't wait for emissions to be over.
metalbender   +1y
ive rejetted my weber twice and according to weber carbs direct ive got the smallest jets i can get in it, it still runs rich (like 11mpg rich). it no longer rolls black smoke but exhaust gasses smell like gas. N/A stands for NOT APPCLIABLE in other words NOT you. with my weber the o2 sensor aint got nothin to do with the carb, i know they did from the factory, but i changed that. i got a rich-lean meter tied into mine now tryin to get back some mpg's but it also helps with tuning the carb.
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