This relay is an Engine Control relay and has other duties other than just the pump!
The EEC energizes the relay so if you hear it click then EEC is working. The Red, Black/White and Black/Yellow wires at the relay should be hot with key on. White/Red should only be hot for a couple of seconds after cycling the key on, then stay hot after the engine cranks.
I forgot, there is 1 more fuel pump connector under the dash, where the cabin harness plugs to the engine compartment harness. This plug only has 2 wires, the Black and the Black/Blue.
To verify the pump is good, I would unplug the connector under the pass seat going through the rubber grommet to the under side. Ground the Black wire and put 12v to the Black/Blue wire. The pump should run when you do this, if not the pump is bad or the connector at the pump has a prob...