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Max Engine \  Over heating

Over heating

Max Engine Max Tech
views 2496
replies 12
following 5
nate10   +1y
I just got a hold of a mighty max that was in a bad crash an i redone the body an got her back on the road. It was running a little warm then everyday it runs a little warmer then now it will over heat just sitting. It dosnt smoke at all. I do not have coolent in my oil. I have no external coolent leaks. I drive 25 miles a day an it almost gets to hot to drive after that short trip an my coolent level gos down after i drive it a while. Any help would be great. And its a 94 2wd 2.4
dale   +1y
Check for wet spots anywere under the hood near the fire wall on the rollpan and check ur thermastat it could be stuck. and look under the truck to maybe a dry rotted line somewhere. hope this helps
nate10   +1y
I dont have any an thr thermostat is brand new an i tested it in hot water. The only wet spot is by the radator cap after it heats up it leaks thro the cap.
dale   +1y
check the seal on the cap if its good flush ur radiator and put all new coolant in it if not get a new cap but flushin it out is still a good idea
droppedmitsu   +1y
Could need a new radiator cap, that would cause those problems. You might not think you have a leak but it could be a tiny one right now and that would also cause problems. If neither of those problems I would try taking he radiator out of the truck and flushing it out with water from hose with a spray nozzle. Also check your fan, it could be wore out. It should NOT spin freely, it should have some resistance to it if its in good condition.
nate10   +1y
I flushed the radator. With 2 flushs an i used clr to get rid of the rust. I think i got it figgured out. Everytime i top my radator off i get water out the tail pipe. I think i got a blown head gaskit.
nate10   +1y
I changed the head gaskit out an the rest of the gaskit that came in the kit an it runs fine now. No more over heating. I took the fan off an put an eletric 1 on. I just need to dial in the timing. I also cleaned my head up. Its really easy to break down these motors. It takes about 2 hours 2 an half to take the head off clean everything. An put back together. If any 1 needs torq specs for anything. I have access to a mitso dealer computer
n3rd702   +1y
I'm having a hell of a time pulling the fuel rail and intake. Is there some sort of magical procedure to make it less of a pain in the ass?
nate10   +1y
Yea leave the fuel rail on an jus un plu it from the fire wall an leave it attached. An i left the bottom half of the intake manifold on an tookthe top half off. I didnt want to remove the fuel rain an what not just in case the seals broke when i removed them. I left everything on the intake side of the head on a removed it as 1 peace. I got the gaskit set off ebay for 30$. Really easy fix
n3rd702   +1y
Easy enough. lol. Seemed that after taking off the intake the fuel rail would be cake. Not removing it seems easier, though =).