Hey guys,
New to your forums, I've been building/racing DSM's for 10+ years and now I need a little help with my old beat up D50.
Bought the truck for $500 and it has an off idle stumble, anything over 10% throttle and it recovers, though feels slower than it should be.
I have never worked on a carbureted vehicle before so I am new to carbs
I picked up a carb rebuild kit from NAPA and plan on removing my carb and rebuilding it.
Do you guys have tips, links, pointers for rebuilding this carb? I am VERY mechanically inclined so it shouldn't be a problem unles some specialized tools are needed.
Any vacumn diagrams, 3d blow out views of the carb and internal components for me to look at?
Any tips would be appreciated.
The truck is only used for transporting a couple dirt bikes and hauling lumber occasionally.