hey just wondering if some people could post some pics of how they did the front of the truck coz i think we hav done mine wrong an may hav 2 redo it any help would b great cheers
I made mine similar to a S10 style. I used smaller diameter round pipe for mine and made them really short, also I just plated the bottom of the spring pocket and ran my bottom bolt through like you always would. I also had to cut a shit load of my pocket out. I would get with the guy who has the truck now but its been toasted for about a year or so.
yea i did the same i get good lift an it lays out but the bag is heaps squashed an rubs on the top braket
can u please email your pics to me my address is
Been awhile since i have had time to get to a computer, but the pics that justin posted is bascially what my front setup looks like except I got flat plates for brackets instead of a cup that sits inside the spring cup.
4 to 5 weeks wait time currently. but I have 2 sets ordered now that re at about that many weeks and have to make some soon. we like to make all thats ordered and a few extra sets. so actual wait time right now is not that bad. maybe 2 weeks before we get some finished.
I just joined this forum so if you guys need anything or any questions answered hit me and ill check back every day.