This many years away from the production date, it is not likely you'll find a harness adapter and you'll be making you own connections. To get the tail lights, look under the bed and locate the frame harness to tail light connector(s). Using a circuit tester or volt meter, check the wires to see which is active when signal and running lights are activated. I find it easiest to use the hazards to ID the brake/turn circuit. This will fill three (3) of the spots on the trailer connector.
(4) Ground wiring is easy, just provide a sufficient wire from the trailer connector to the frame (not body work).
(5) If the trailer has a circuit for electric brakes, the lead from the brake controller goes to the appropriate spot on the connector.
(6) The sixth spot will be for truck to trailer 12V+ power. A lead of at least 8 gauge should be sufficient for that purpose, but test fit the connector before spending $$ on the big wire.
(7) The final circuit is for a back up light, if desired or already on the trailer.
The task is not daunting if you examine the truck, figure your wiring path and locations needed for the respective connector(s), and have your build plan down mentally.