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Max Engine \  Help me, help my old man out!!!!!!

Help me, help my old man out!!!!!!

Max Engine Max Tech
views 1178
replies 3
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sallen   +1y
What's up fellas!!! My old man bought a 93 mm, 2.4L. Anyway it was running a little rough when he got it, me being the shade tree mechanic for him, we decide the truck needed a tune up. So plugs, wires,Ignition coil, pcv,oil, all filters, and it also needed a exhaust manifold gasket. I did not change the distributor cap and rotor. We had also purchased a new 02 sensor. Anyway To make a very long story short, I change all those componets and when I got to the 02 sensor I notice the pigtail was never even plug in?? And it weirds me out that it ran somewhat decent without it when he bought the truck. Anyway when I replaced everything and went to start the truck, the damn things lopes now? Idles high, low, high,low and so on.. Never changes. I tried adjusting the idle coming off the idle air control valve. That didn't change anything. Didn't effect the idle whatsoever. So I unplugged it and it will idle super high and can't get an adjustment that way either. But when I plug it in it goes back to high,low,high,low. But when I unplug the mass air flow sensor it dies. But have also noticed I don't get any effect in idle when unplugging the 02sensor or leaving it plugged in. Anyway, I got another idle air contol valve Off a junker my brother found, gave 4 cigarettes for the 259$ part at the parts store lol!! And that didn't take the high rev, low idle out.. Could it be the mass air flow? I just don't understand putting new parts (tune up) would turn into a headache. All I did was take old out and new in!! Oh I forgot to mention I did change the valve cover gasket as well.. Anyway this has been a months problem and I can't seem to diagnose the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just know the basis. I'm no ASE certified mech. Anyway figured I stop here and ask you guys for any leads before he takes it into a shop and gets booty raped over a 100$ part or whatever. Thanks guys!!
nate10   +1y
u could have broken a vacume line maybe or have a split line some where. then make sure the new 02 sensor is the right 1 if not put the old 1 back on if the tip of the o2 sensor is black it should be good if its white its no good.
sallen   +1y
Thanks Nate. I will look into that. That what I was going to look for next. I'll let you guys know what it is when I do figure it out lol!!!!
nate10   +1y
check the line that gos from the front of the vavle cover an the 3 that come off the throt body an the 1 for egr. then check on the throttle body theres a hole on the bottom of the body where the intake hooks up an if that passage is blocked it will have no air to idle off of. they may have a idle air control but im not sure check that maybe its broken or theres an electric problem or the computers tweeken (if it even has 1) then maybe check the lines maybe 1 od the things that the vaume lines gos to can be broken an is just leaking air. a switch or diafram
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