My name is Henry and I have a manual 1989 Mitsubishi Mountain Max in need of a transmission. I plan on pulling one from a parts truck and rebuilding it but don't know what trucks would work.
Which transmission came stock in these trucks?
I've been told it is the same as the power ram d50s of the same year, is this true?
Was it the same as the manuals behind the 2.0L Mitsubishi engines of this year? (I assume it isn't the same as the 2.4Ls as they are very different engines, but I may be wrong)
Could I put my old tailshaft on a transmission from a 2WD so it would fit my transfer case?
I've heard the Mitsubishi 2.6L engine went in a lot of dodge and mitsubishi vehicles, did any other vehicles use this transmission?
Thank you very much for your help,
truck pics here: