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Max Engine \  Help! New to Mighty Max Family and got big problems....

Help! New to Mighty Max Family and got big problems....

Max Engine Max Tech
views 2799
replies 12
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jmcain16   +1y

Im new to these forums, but i have a 94 2.4L mighty max engine that i am having troubles starting and running.

starting problem- it will crank and will begin to fire up then die right away and i could be cranking it for an hour with no results.

(if i get it started)- Every once in a blue moon i will walk out and the car will crank over on first try but runs rich to where you can smell it in the cab. and the car will eventually bog down and die if ran for a while.

also when it gets started it will have to get to operating temp to be able to drive if you try before it boggs down and dies

Last i checked the timing is correct, has new battery, alternator good, starter seems to crank (for starting issue), have spark and just replaced fuel pump and fuel regulator Need help! if you can help please let me know!!

droppedmitsu   +1y
Is your check engine light on(not maint req), if so you need to pull the codes and see what sensors are bad.
jmcain16   +1y
thats the problem the lights not on....maybe just some help on where to start with these mighty max's
droppedmitsu   +1y
Pull the ecu, it is behind the pass. kick panel. Might have to remove glove box door and blower motor to get it out, might not. Open the ecu's gold case and look at the circuit board and see if any of the capacitors are leaking or if you see anything that looks burnt or out of the ordinary. A lot of the 2.4 vehicles have problems with the caps in the ecu's leaking out, If so this is your problem. Since you said it has spark I'm assuming the dist cap is good and not cracked or corroded or worn down inside, and the rotor is good?
jmcain16   +1y
ok ill do that with the ecu! i know that when i bought the truck the ecu was a remaned one and said it was good so i didnt even think about it so thank you. and the cap does have a crack but very small but im still getting a new one today just so dirt and debris doesnt some how end up in there and yes the rotor is good.

droppedmitsu   +1y
yea, even a small crack in the cap can make a difference, don't want any moisture getting in there
jmcain16   +1y
ok so i replaced cracked cap and rotor and did notice some black gunk around one of the caps does that mean its done? if so do you know any places that either rebuild the computers or have some for sale for a reasonable price?
droppedmitsu   +1y
Check on and do a search there's been a lot of talk on ecus and repair companies, there's links
jmcain16   +1y
ok awesome thanks, im going to get another ecu and maybe another harness this one looks a little beat up and ill keep updated

lush90   +1y
Foreign auto computer repair in ZephyrHills, FL is a good place to have your ecu rebuilt. Excellent work, quick, reasonable and have a warranty though I don't know anyone who has needed it. If you buy a used ecu, it's just a matter of time before it goes. Have it rebuilt and you are good for the next 15 years!