After Market HID generally looks like garbage. I think a better solution, and one I did on my old 70s volvo was to go with cibie headlights that allow you to use insert bulbs rather than a full sealed headlight.
You also have a far larger selection of bulbs available when going over to the H4, depending on how "legal" you want to be you can even go with a bit brighter bulbs. I think I have 80/55 in the old volvo.
I got a great deal more light output when I switched over to the cibie headlights it has a better cut to the glass so more even coverage as well.
I've been looking at doing the cibie to my little ram, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I found them at the following site, but I'm not sure if he has them in stock. $3000 repair on my other car so fixing up the truck has been unfortunately on the back burner for a bit.
Either way, that's my two cents on it. Also make sure you're getting enough juice out of your alternator.