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Max Engine \  1995 Mighty Max No Spark

1995 Mighty Max No Spark

Max Engine Max Tech
views 5685
replies 11
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95mightmax   +1y
95 Mighty Max/110000miles/4cyl. 2.4ltr /5 speed
It shut off while turning into the driveway a week ago with no prior warning, and hasn't started since.I checked for fuel and spark, had fuel/no spark.I pulled the center wire from the coil and got no spark.I replaced the ign. coil, the rotor, and put all new spark plug wires on and still no spark.I tested the battery for proper amps, I tested the ign. control module to make sure it was working,and I checked the bolts mounting the ecu(computer)to the sidewall of the truck to see if the looked burnt because I was told it would if the ecu 'shorted out'.The ecu looks normal, and everything else is working properly.I am lost as far as what to check next.This my first Mitsubishi of any kind and owned it for less than 1 year.Any advice would be appreciated.
droppedmitsu   +1y
Have you checked the fuses in the engine bay? Should be some on the battery terminal and also some in a black box on the drivers side fender well. They aren't normal fuses but they are a type of fuse, I had one wire/fuse go bad and the same thing happened in my 89 truck. Also if none of these it could possible be the ecu, you need to open the ecu case and see if you see any capacitors that are leaking and have leaked onto the circuit board.
95mightmax   +1y
I checked all the fuses inside the cab of truck, and the 3 fuses connected to the positive battery cable(blue/black/yellow)and they are all good.There are 3 green wires inside a grey plastic box mounted under the hood on drivers side, they're all in good shape and connected tight, but no fuses inside the box.I'm wondering now about the sensor inside the distributor, I've heard it called the 'pick-up sensor'?It's a small plastic sensor mounted inside the distributor with 2 small screws.It doesn't seem to be something you could take off and replace if it was faulty, you would just have to replace the distributor.Do have any knowledge of this part or how to test it.
harmon928   +1y
I Have the same issue with my 94 i am going to check the timing belt. if that is broke will it not tell the dist to tell the computer to do its thing as far as the coil is concerned?
harmon928   +1y
check the timing belt and it is still on and in time... How would you know if the dist is bad???
sleeps   +1y
Have you taken your dis cap off and checked the cap and rotor, they can get water in there and corrode up. THere should be 2 push metal clips on either side of the cap open it up and see how it looks in there.
harmon928   +1y
replaced dist and coil still no spark?
harmon928   +1y
Yes I do
harmon928   +1y
did that no leaking caps... do you know anything about swapping the fuel injection for carb i have the intake and carb but what about dist wiring
95mightmax   +1y
Well since first having the problem,(no spark), I have replaced the distributor and the ECM(Computer), along with all the initial parts(coil, ign. module, cables,)and still no spark.There is a relay that is mounted under the ECM. It's about 3in. X 3in., and I've found it on ebay called "MFI Relay" and "ECM Relay"?Also I haven't checked the timing belt, I believe I would have the same symptoms if the belt was broken, engine turning over and getting fuel but no spark, right?