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Max Engine \  No fuel from tank, what am I doing wrong??

No fuel from tank, what am I doing wrong??

Max Engine Max Tech
views 1077
replies 6
following 3
backtobasics   +1y
Cliff's Notes:
1987 D50
Bought with complete tune up, but needing carb work, and battery, REPORTEDLY. Previous owner also reportedly dropped gas tank, cleaned, blew lines, etc. The bolts for tank and bottom of tank show it was dropped down.

Bought Weber conversion off Ebay. Conversion installed. No start or even try to start with key.

Installed brand new battery, battery cables, with dedicated ground cable from engine to body, starter. Turns over great, no fuel to carb.

Installed new fuel pump. No fuel to carb.
Chased fuel lines, tighten clamps on rubber lines at frame.
Dropped tank, cleaned and rinsed. Pickup round filter looks good.

Figured hard lines might be crusty, so I installed 10 feet of new rubber line directly to pickup tube on top of tank.

No fuel at carb.

I used a Mighty Vac and with much ado, can pull fuel from tank, but pump (Napa) will not pull fuel from the tank.
Post was last edited on Sep 07, 2012 07:09. This post has been edited 1 times.
backtobasics   +1y
Only oddity is a plastic spacer on the fuel pump, but the instructions in new pump said if it has it to put it back, or the stroke could be too long and hurt pump.

I am out of ideas. I have worked this logically. There should be no obstructions from the cleaned out tank, to the inlet of a brand new fuel pump. No air leaks, etc. All this has been done with the gas cap off, so it is not putting the tank under vacuum.

Only parts that are not new is the sender, and pickup and float in tank. Pickup must be submerged or it wouldn't pull fuel with mighty vac.

My next step is to use the drain plug on the bottom of the tank, and run an inline electric pump and a regulator.
backtobasics   +1y
Anyone have a breakdown on the 3 ports on pump to make sure I am hooking it up correctly? I want to make sure before Igo back to Napa for another pump.
droppedmitsu   +1y
2.0 or 2.6?
slow50   +1y
your not missing the little rod that drives the pump are you?
backtobasics   +1y
Final answer:

The pump was not priming. It is very high on engine, and fuel was low in tank (only had a few gallons since I was dropping and raising tank so often.

We pulled fuel up with hand held vacuum tool, and quick attached to pump.

This little carb starts immediately!
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