its a shame this forum doesnt have as many members as it should. i dont know if it's already been done but maybe someone on here can photoshop up some flyers for the forum. and everyone can print out a bunch of them and take them to shows and hand them out to yota owners or just put them on front seats or whatever. it would be awesome to see this place a little more active than it is.
I spread the word best I can, links on my site and gave out some stickers with orders.. everyone just spread the word! I'll print out flyers too johnny, post it up
didnt even know about it!. when where and what time? i aint got nothing to do this weekend. my trucks in jersey though. so i gotta take my shitvic it'll be down here soon enough. maybe we can meet up.
Hop on SSM, there is a few threads about it...I live in Jacksonville, so Im probably not the best person to get locations Ill be riding down with my buddy in his black ranger.