Suspended Animation
Its a name that I made up one night in a drunken stubor......It kinda stuck with me for years and one day me and a we other freinds decided to make it a reality.We got sick of the crap and sick of the rules so we made our own,since then we have grown into a family more than a club.Thats one thing I miss about the old times,not many clubs get together like family ...I know some of you old folks know about it....I saw what you wrote about it Donny.I know Ive been around the block in Minitruckin since al ong along time ago,Way back in 1989 I got bit by the bug and have watched the sport change dramiticaly,I remeber when a body drop was only something you saw in a mag,now its a staple.Wow im really going way off subject here....but to me I dont see Suspended Animation as a club I see it as a family ,a family of minitruckers old and young, growning together and having a damn good time doing it.