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General Discussion
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almostnothing   +1y
So anway I was searchin' through the forums on SSM when I noticed a post from my friend Scott who happens to be the GA. rep for No Regrets. He asked a simple question and got tons of various responses. Since this is a much more close knit sight I figure I'll ask you guys the same thing.

Don't answer if you don't want

What makes you a minitrucker?
almostnothing   +1y
What makes me a minitrucker?

On SSM I replied by saying how I'd much rather spend my time being broke and up late on weekends in the garage polishing or grinding or deatiling my truck but it goes much deeper. Back in my day when you saw another minitruck or " lowrider truck " as they were dubbed in that era, we always greeted the owner with a smile. There was NO competition. It wasn't about talking crap about who was lower or badder it was more of a brotherhood. When we went to shows it was all about the trucks. We drooled over the rides and not because we were so drunk we drooled. We didn't get excited about the parties, seeing the trucks was all the excitement and motivation we needed. I know trends and trucks come and go but I like to think that beyond the dragging, drinking and wild parties, somewhere that brotherhood still remains.

minitrucker since 1989-90 school year ( still have the MT mags to prove it ) and driving slammed trucks since 1992 unless my crap was in the shop or the past 2 years when I had to take a brake...hahahahaha
johnny5   +1y
damm man i couldn't have said it better myself man, thats preaty much how i am i don't care for the partys to much when i'm at a show im like man did you se that truck ,did you see that truck,did you see that truck etc..... i just go crazy seeing that many mini trucks in one place, its like heaven lol
baha   +1y
werd, I kinda think theres a brotherhood with all types of auto enthusiasts to an extent, I have a mini truck but I like all types of modified vehicles especially muscle cars, I can appreciate all the hard work that goes into them, but there will always be people in the scene that are shady and will talk trash thats just how it is I think.
oldschool   +1y
AMEN BROTHER! hehe although I have only had my mini since sometime in 99, too bad the scene isnt still like that, guess thats why I love the aircooled VW scene too, thats still how they are, you pass a complete strabger in another bus or what ever an you get a peace sign or wave right back
lotoy86   +1y
"minitrucker" isnt a thing its a way of life its about seeing a truck and pointing out the good things not "oh mine is lower or he could have bodydroped that another inch." its an atitude about life, if you can take a rag tag beat up truck and turn it into something super phat why cant you take that point of view on life?
layedoutdreams   +1y
I kind of have an odd view on it, different than most others. I love the trucks and driving and dragging mine. Unlike a lot of other people though(no one in particular) I actually like the trucks better than a lot of the minitruckers. To me it's about taking pride in your truck and fixing it up the best you can to your liking, and having fun with it. Not partying and getting drunk for no reason, or hanging out with or cruising with a club.
whynotfab   +1y
heres my reply from SSM

The fact that its not just some spare time hobby to me, its actually a part of my life.. that just takes over no matter what else im supposed to be, or need to be doing. I enjoy every bit of it.Yea im pissed part of the time, or frustrated because of the challenges lol.. but its all worth it to see what I can accomplish, what else i can learn from myself and others. Whether its talking to other minitruckers in person or online.. actually working on my truck, or even just staring at it thinking of things I could/should or WISH i could do.. IT NEVER GETS OLD.

But that's just the serious side lol.. youd know I'm a minitrucker if you were around me or saw my room, my front yard, my computer.. everything is minitruckin related.
almostnothing   +1y

That's why I decided not to go to the Relaxed Atmosphere show this weekend. My friends were mad because I bailed but if you look at the posts on ssm about the show 99% of them were about partying and gettin' drunk, not the trucks. I'll go when I can go with a bunch of people that are don't get drunk at the shows. You know I'm a prospect member of NO REGRETS but I'm not sure if I want to be a part of something thats' mantra is " beer, sex and no regrets "
oldsklminitrk   +1y
Hmmmm what makes me a minitrucker....Hard to explain really.......way back in 1980 something in the grocery store when minitruckin was bi monthly,I saw it and was hooked.I knew I had to have one and since then I watched the sport change and change again.But one thing stays constant the "real" minitruckers never go away.The ones that help change the sport and help progress it.I feel Im one of them I do things to my truck that I like not others,my truck is a reflection of me and what I bring to the table.Its a desire more than anything,I love my truck and I love working on it......I still to this day will stop a truck or pull over to see someone when I see a minitrucker I dont know or a truck that I havent seen,I see the potentienal in all trucks.I never let it go to my head if my truck has been in a magazine,why because true minitruckers are not jelous they shake the hand of the fellow that gets a shot in a mag, wins a trophy or just comes to a show....why because its a brotherhood.