twisted minis
Okay, today, my welder stopped working. It's been acting funny lately. Sometimes it will stutter, and it isn't conistant. After a good amount of use, it reaches it's load capacity. I'm pretty sure thats what happens. Yesterday it met that load capacity within 15 minutes, of small beads. Today while welding, it stuttered and stopped the arc then spattered again. Then completely shut off. I look over, and smoke was emitting from the lower region of the welder. It now will not ground itself. I opened up every panel, and nothign looks to be fried. However, the large coil of wire in the lower part of the welder was fairly hot. There is also a burnign smell coming from somewhere, but I cannot tell where. Does anyone know what might be the problem? And, does anyone know of a place that you can buy replacement welder parts?