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General Discussion \  Got screwed on powdercoat.

Got screwed on powdercoat.

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twisted minis   +1y
These are the control arms. They came back to me with many scratches down to bare metal. There were blotch spots. And there were dry spots, where the powder was sprayed so thin I could see bare metal beneath it.
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The first picture is a bracket with a terrible blotchy mark. The second, a hard bubble where the belt rides. The third shows an area that was once polished, and rides against an oil seal. My main pulley has been rendered useless.
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First picture is the front of the main pulley. Many chip marks, and some black stuff that will not come off. Second, the backside of the smog pump pulley, nicks and bubbles. Third, showing where the pulley was left bare.
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This was my trade in exchange for the control arms I sent off. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and went to him first to see what was up. He told me everything looked fine to him. I asked him to pay for the arms and I told him how much I sold them for usually. He said he would refund $15. So far I've spent well over that getting a used main pulley/ballancer. And I'll be spending more now that I've dropped everything off at a powder coating shop that will actually do a good job.
Post was last edited on Dec 16, 2006 08:12. This post has been edited 1 times.
nook   +1y
He told me everything looked fine to him.

Thats sucks, maybe you shoulda traded him a pair of glasses instead of a set of arms. Good luck on round two
twisted minis   +1y
Well, I know the place I brought it to will do a good job. I was just trying to save some money by trading. But it ended up costing more in the end.
rollinlow   +1y
man that sux, your arm are way better them that
twisted minis   +1y
Yea I could have done a better job on the arms with a rattle can. I'm having them re done by the place thats doing my frame.
rollinlow   +1y
no i mean your arms are worth more then that shit pc job
twisted minis   +1y
Yea I know what you meant. I was saying I could have made them look better with a rattle can.
rollinlow   +1y
yea sure could have
nook   +1y
Just an idea Seth, why couldn't you use some coarse emory paper, buff down the damper hub, and install a speed sleeve, that would cure the powder coat on the seal area plus restore the seal surface to new, I see it has signs of a small wear line already??
twisted minis   +1y
I thought about it. But I already bought another one. Plus the front of the pulley is so dicked I don't really want to use it. I'm bringing the new one to powdercoat on Monday.